Предвиђање АРПА цене 2023-2030: Хоће ли цена АРПА ускоро достићи 0.2 долара?

  • Bullish ARPA price prediction ranges from $0.0285 to $0.1930
  • Analysis suggests that the ARPA price might reach above 0.1928
  • The ARPA bearish market price prediction for 2023 is $x0.0280

What is ARPA (ARPA)?

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network that aims to develop fair, secure, and privacy-preserving blockchain ecosystems. As such, they innovate cryptographic systems to make blockchains more versatile, reliable, and interlinked.

ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the basis of a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. 

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness

ARPA (ARPA) Market Overview

🪙 ИмеАрпа
💱 Симболхарфа
💲 Цена$0.108706
📊 Промена цене (1х)-КСНУМКС%
📊 Промена цене (24х)-КСНУМКС%
📊 Промена цене (7д)КСНУМКС%
💵 Тржишна капитализација$106961179
📈 Алл Тиме Хигх$0.268622
📉 Ниско за све време$0.00339441
💸 Залихе у оптицају982174603.286 харфа
💰 Укупна понуда1500000000 харфа

Analysts’ Views on ARPA

Prof.Noan.Ai, a netizen who forewarns on scams tweeted that ARPA won’t be able to hold the gain for longer with its green candlestick. As such, he predicted that a fall was on the way for ARPA. He further stated that ARPA could fall right now or maybe even after a leg up 

ARPA Current Market Status

ARPA has a circulating supply of 1,242,888,889 ARPA coins, while its maximum supply is 2,000,000,000 ARPA coins, according to CoinMarketCap. At the time of writing, ARPA is trading at $0.1064 representing 24 hours increase of 14.61%. The trading volume of ARPA in the past 24 hours is $593,214,566 which represents an 86.32% increase.

Some top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading ARPA are Binance, Bitrue, BingX, Bybit, and Bitget.

Now that you know ARPA and its current market status, we shall discuss the price analysis of  ARPA for 2023.

ARPA Price Analysis 2023

Currently, ARPA ranks 177th on CoinMarketCap. Will ARPA’s most recent improvements, additions, and modifications help its price go up? First, let’s focus on the charts in this article’s ARPA price forecast.

ARPA Price Analysis – Bollinger Bands

Болингерове траке су врста коверте цена коју је развио Џон Болинџер. Даје распон са горњом и доњом границом за флуктуацију цене. Болингерове траке раде на принципу стандардне девијације и периода (времена). 

Горњи опсег као што је приказано на графикону израчунава се додавањем двоструке стандардне девијације једноставном покретном просеку, док се доњи опсег израчунава одузимањем двоструке стандардне девијације од једноставног покретног просека. Када се бендови прошире, то показује да ће бити више волатилности, а када се смање, мања је волатилност.

ARPA/USDT 1-Day Chart Showing Bollinger Bands (Source: Традингвиев)

Када се Болинџерови појасеви користе у графикону криптовалута, могли бисмо очекивати да ће цена криптовалуте бити унутар горње и доње границе Болингерових опсега 95% времена. Горња теза је изведена из емпиријског закона. 

Делови означени црвеним правоугаоницима у горњем графикону показују како се траке шире и скупљају. Када се бендови прошире, могли бисмо очекивати већу волатилност, а када се бендови скупљају, то означава мању волатилност. 

The green rectangles show how LRC retraced after touching the upper band (overbought) and lower band (oversold). 

Currently, ARPA has had a massive surge in price. The increment in the price is so large that ARPA is way above the upper Bollinger Band. Even the one red retracement candlestick is above ARPA. 

As such, we could expect ARPA to retrace and fall within the bounds of the Bollinger bands. However, when looking at the Bandwidth indicator at the bottom of the chart, we could see that it indicates 1.36. Once ARPA has gone above the said limit, the bands started to squeeze only after it reached 1.42. Hence, we could expect the angle of the bands with the vertical to reduce further. 

As such, the volatile situation may continue and we could expect ARPA to fall by a large margin. Traders looking to short may find this an excellent opportunity to make profits. 

ARPA Price Analysis – Relative Strength Index

Индекс релативне снаге је индикатор који се користи да се утврди да ли је цена хартије од вредности прецењена или потцењена. Према свом називу, РСИ индикатори помажу да се утврди како хартија од вредности ради у овом тренутку, у односу на претходну цену. 

Штавише, има сигналну линију која је једноставан покретни просек (СМА) који делује као мерило или референца на линију РСИ. Стога, кад год је линија РСИ изнад СМА, она се сматра биковском; ако је испод СМА, то је медведа. 

When considering the first green rectangle from the left of the chart below we can see that the  RSI is above the signal. Hence, ARPA is bullish and as a result, it is making higher highs. 

The second green rectangle shows that the RSI line (purple) is below the Signal line (yellow). As such, ARPA is bearish or losing value. Therefore it is reaching lower lows as shown in the chart.

Штавише, РСИ би се такође могао користити за откривање дивергенције. На пример, када токен прави више максимуме, онда би РСИ такође требало да прави више максимуме у складу са њим да би се могао назвати булл рун. Међутим, ако РСИ не постигне веће максимуме са токеном, онда бисмо могли рећи да би могло доћи до преокрета тренда, јер токен губи вредност упркос томе што је направио веће максимуме.

Арпа /УСДТ 1-дневни графикон који приказује индекс релативне снаге (извор: Традингвиев)

Currently, the RSI of ARPA is extremely overbought as it is valued at 85.06. Although, intuitively we may think that ARPA will go through a correction, when looking at the RSI, it says otherwise. 

This is because the RSI reversed a little bit higher than where it is at present. However, whether the price will increase with the increment in RSI, or whether it will decrease is yet to be found. As such traders may need to keep an eye on ARPA since there seems to be high volatility on the horizon.  

However, they could make use of the RSI Resistance and Support indicator used in the chart to enter and exit the market. Moreover, the indicators show the Crossover Overbought, Crossover Oversold, Crosssunder Overbought, and Oversold regions.

In particular, the indicator shows the overbought and oversold region for each crossing of the RSI, be it from over or under. Based on this traders can make their call. Currently, ARPA has gone above the bull zone (purple) at $0.0558 and it is also far above the Crossover Overbought (green line) at $0.0688.  

We could expect ARPA to fall to the green line at $0.0688 since it is extremely overbought. As such those shorting ARPA may want to consider having their take profit somewhere close to this area. Moreover, the Stochastic RSI is also on the verge of making a turnaround. As such we could expect ARPA to retrace its prices. 

ARPA Price Analysis – Moving Average

Експоненцијални покретни просеци су прилично слични једноставним покретним просецима (СМА). Међутим, СМА подједнако распоређује све вредности док експоненцијални покретни просек даје већу тежину тренутним ценама. Пошто СМА подрива тежину садашње цене, ЕМА се користи у кретању цена. 

200-дневни МА се сматра дугорочним покретним просеком, док се 50-дневни МА сматра краткорочним покретним просеком у трговању. На основу тога како се ове две линије понашају, јачина криптовалуте или тренд се може одредити у просеку. 

Конкретно, када се краткорочни покретни просек (50-дневни МА) приближи дугорочном покретном просеку (200-дневни МА) одоздо и пређе га, називамо га Златним крстом.

Насупрот томе, када краткорочни покретни просек пређе дугорочни покретни просек одозго, тада долази до смрти. 

Обично, када дође до Златног крста, цене криптовалуте ће драстично порасти, али када постоји крст смрти, цене ће пасти. 

Арпа/УСДТ 1-дневни графикон приказује покретни просек (извор: Традингвиев)

Кад год је цена криптовалуте изнад 50-дневног или 200-дневног МА, или изнад оба, можемо рећи да је токен биковски (црвени правоугаоник). Насупрот томе, ако је токен испод 50-дневног или 200-дневног, или испод оба, онда бисмо га могли назвати медвеђим (секција плавог троугла).

When considering the 2023 spike, we could see that ARPA ascended gradually but was followed by a drastic fall where it found support at $0.0311 and thereafter there was another surge which was followed by a gradual increase. This was followed by a drastic fall. 

This preceding pattern of making crests, falling, finding higher low support, and then rising gradually could be seen even right now, except the rise is exponential. As we could expect ARPA to fall and find Support at a higher low and thereafter rise again. 

Nonetheless, in the event that there is no higher support for ARPA to land, we could expect it to find Support at the 50-day MA. If by any means the 50-day MA is not able to support ARPA’s fall, it may resort to the assistance of the 200-day MA. 

АРПА предвиђање цена 2023

ARPA/USDT 1-Day (Source: Традингвиев)

When looking at the chart above we could see that ARPA has been heavily dependent on Support 3 at $0.0294 since last May. However, from nowhere ARPA surged to reach its present price. Based on observations made on ARPA’s behavior during the last occasion that its price was in this region, we could not that ARPA surged even further. It broke Resistance 1 at $0.1340 and went on to reach Resistance 2 at $0.1603. 

Moreover, if the bulls are still persistent at Resistance 2 then ARPA would able to break Resistance 2 and reach Resistance 3 at $0.1928. 

Contrastingly, if the bulls take over the market, we see ARPA seeking to land on Support 1 at $0.0791. However, Support 1 has been quite weak, as such, ARPA may seek support at Support 2 ($0.0624). The good thing about this Support 2 level is that it has acted as a launchpad for ARPA to spring back. Nonetheless, in the unfortunate event that ARPA is not held at Support 2, it may fall to Support 3 at 0.0294 which is quite a hard place to rise from.   

ARPA Price Prediction – Resistance and Support Levels

ARPA/USDT 1-Day Chart Showing Resistance and Support Levels (Source: Традингвиев)

When looking at the chart above, we could see that ARPA has been heavily dependent on the 8:1 Gann line for support when it has been rising. We could see that although ARPA had two spikes as highlighted in the chart, it wasn’t able to keep moving in that Gann line where those two spikes belonged to. As such it fell along the 2:1 Gann line, while the 3:1 Gann line has been a tough resistance to break through. 

However, currently, ARPA has broken the 3:1 Gann line and has gone above the 2:1 Gann line as well. We could expect ARPA to slide along the 2:1 Gann line. With more pressure from the bears, we may see ARPA fall and reach for Support at the 3:1 Gann line. In the event the Bulls are too strong for the 3:1 Gann line, ARPA will be back at square one.  

Одрицање од одговорности: Ставови и мишљења, као и све информације подељене у овом предвиђању цене, објављују се у доброј намери. Читаоци морају да ураде своје истраживање и дужну пажњу. Свака радња коју предузима читалац је стриктно на сопствени ризик. Цоин Едитион и његове филијале неће се сматрати одговорним за било какву директну или индиректну штету или губитак.

Пост Виевс: 47

Source: https://coinedition.com/arpa-price-prediction/