Како се Терра 2.0 приближава, тим пружа више детаља о логици израчунавања ЛУНА Аирдроп-а

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Terra team announces more details about the LUNA airdrop.


As terra is transforming to terra 2.0, the new LUNA coins will be airdropped to LUNA (LUNC), UST (USTC), and aUST holders.

Airdrop Information

Терра тим потврђује that airdrop will occur on May 28th. The LUNA airdrop will occur on the first block of the new Terra chain, expected on or around May 28th, 2022, at 06:00:00 GMT.

Total Supply of LUNA: 1 Billion

Pre-Attack Snapshot Height: 7544910 (2022–05–07 14:59:37 UTC)

Post-Attack Snapshot Height: 7790000 (2022–05–26 16:38:08 UTC)

LUNA Token Distribution

There will be four groups of tokens in the Terra ecosystem when the airdrop begins:

  1. Pre-crash Luna
  2. Pre-crash UST
  3. Post-crash Luna
  4. Post-crash UST

These four groups are formed in accordance with when the said tokens were bought, with the start of the Luna and UST price crash as the reference.

LUNA Token Distribution:

terra airdrop distribution
image source: https://medium.com/terra-money/terra-2-0-luna-airdrop-calculation-logic-3eb752c25837

Airdrop Calculation:

Following is the ratio with which the airdrop would be distributed. For example, any user will get an airdrop of 1.034735071 LUNA on the new chain if he had 1 LUNA (LUNAC) during the Pre-Attack snapshot.

LUNA Airdrop Ratios:

airdrop calculations
image source: https://medium.com/terra-money/terra-2-0-luna-airdrop-calculation-logic-3eb752c25837

Exchange Rates to LUNC:

Below is the exchange rate calculation for LUNC, “For example, if a user held 1 cLUNA during the Pre-Attack snapshot, the user’s wallet would be considered to have held 1 LUNC during that period, and would be airdropped the appropriate amount based on that.”

exchange rate calculations
image source: https://medium.com/terra-money/terra-2-0-luna-airdrop-calculation-logic-3eb752c25837

The team also gave a формула with which Airdrop Allocation would be made.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/05/28/as-terra-2-0-approaches-the-team-provides-more-details-about-luna-airdrop-calculation-logic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=as-terra-2-0-approaches-the-team-provides-more-details-about-luna-airdrop-calculation-logic