Адвокат одбацио нови распоред у тужби за Риппле

Вести о КСРП тужби: The long running lawsuit between US SEC and Ripple is yet to receive summary judgment after a complete deposition by all parties. However, Attorney James Filan has dropped an updated schedule of the XRP lawsuit after Ripple and SEC asked the court to extend a deadline.

XRP lawsuit Updated Schedule

The attorney informed that till now the parties have fully briefed the Motions for Summary Judgment. This includes the oppositions and Replies by both parties. However, there are still pending sealing disputes in connection with the motions for Summary Judgment.


It is still unclear whether these disputes will be resolved before or at the time of the decision on the Motions. However, the motion to exclude expert testimony is fully briefed and still remains pending.

He highlighted that District Judge Torres has given out a ruling on these disputes regarding the sealing of the motions in the XRP lawsuit.

Attorney gave out the crucial dates ahead in the XRP lawsuit. Ripple and SEC are waiting for a ruling on Motions for Summary Judgment. However, the Motion to exclude expert testimony is still pending.

Parties need to file Omnibus Motions to Seal all material linked to Summary Judgment Motions by December 22.

By January 4, 2023, Non parties must file a motion to seal any Summary Judgement Materials. It is to the extent the non party seeks additional treatment. Attorney added that after the deadline the parties will waive their right to object to the court’s ultimate decision on the parties’ motions to seal or even redact.

While by January 9, 2023, parties will need to file an opposition to Omnibus Motions to Seal. The filing of these motions was filed on December 22, 2022.

January 13, 2023, will be the last day for the parties to file Daubert Motions. The accompanying exhibits on the public docket with redactions consistently need to be filed.

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Source: https://coingape.com/xrp-lawsuit-attorney-drops-new-schedule-in-ripple-lawsuit/