Б2Брокер ажурира своју понуду институционалне ликвидности за брокере

Following a series of enhancements in its liquidity and technology solutions, B2Broker, a leading liquidity provider for the global trading industry, has just launched a new set of institutional liquidity offer Услови.

There are significant reductions in volume fees and significantly lowered entry barriers under the new commercials.

In the announcement, the new deal is intended to provide brokers with even more opportunities to grow their business and benefit from a competitive edge while keeping their costs as low as possible.

Lower liquidity fees for brokers

The following is a list of markets where volume fees changes were made by B2Broker in response to industry needs - сpot FX, metals, indices, energies and commodities.

Enhanced crypto liquidity fee structure for brokers

Additionally, B2Broker has taken measures to minimize the liquidity volume fees for its market-leading crypto CFDs, lowering the first level of the ladder from 0.035% to 0.03% and below.

Lessened minimum monthly commission

Getting business done with B2Broker on a monthly basis has become even more alluring. There is now a $1,000 minimum fee instead of $1,250.

Entry deposit amount cut by 50%

With the minimal deposit amount reduced by 50% од $ КСНУМКС до $ КСНУМКС prospective brokers have a lower entry barrier than ever before.


An upgrade to B2Broker’s institutional liquidity offers an unrivaled mix of solution abundance and unheard-of cost effectiveness all with the security of a reliable technology and liquidity provider.

The new solution was made with a reduced fee schedule on five key asset classes, new minimum monthly costs for brokers, lower deposit requirements and lower liquidity volume fees for Crypto CFDs in mind to help your company grow.

Овај садржај се спонзорише и треба га сматрати промотивним материјалом. Овде су изнета мишљења и изјаве аутора и не одражавају мишљења Тхе Даили Ходл-а. Даили Ходл није подружница нити је у власништву било којег ИЦО-а, блоцкцхаин стартапа или компанија које се оглашавају на нашој платформи. Улагачи би требали обавити своју дужну опрему прије него што уложе високи ризик у било које ИЦО-ове, блоцкцхаин стартапове или крипто валуте. Имајте на уму да су ваша улагања на властити ризик, а за било какве губитке који могу настати ваша је одговорност.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/15/b2broker-updates-its-institutional-liquidity-offer-for-brokers/