Доњи избори на тржишту медведа: Унигло.ио, Цронос и Елронд

Do These Crypto Have The Potential To Push Your Portfolio Past The Million Dollar Mark: Uniglo (GLO), Kava (KAVA), And Gala (GALA)?




With the current bear market in full swing, some savvy investors are deciding now is the time to get on board. While this might go against conventional wisdom, they believe that we are near the bottom for many crypto projects and that they could begin to ascend soon. Some believe that current discount prices might not be available for much longer.

Some of the tokens that are currently bottoming out might not survive much longer or might not thrive as much as others do. But with the right move, you can set your portfolio up for substantial long-term evolution.

Унигло (ГЛО)

The interesting thing with Uniglo is that it isn’t at the “bottom” because of recent losses, but it’s still available at discount prices before expected headways during pre-sale. That means you get the chance at the ground level before it officially launches.

With the incredible selection of deflationary measures GLO offers, you get complete price solidity thanks to an asset-backed store of value that’s primed for growth. GLO could be the perfect weapon against rampant inflation.

Кронос (ЦРО)

Cronos is the utility token for the thriving exchange platform crypto.com. This platform has already gathered mainstream attention and is increasing its foothold in the market. If the wider crypto space begins to flourish again, CRO could be perfectly placed to surge higher as crypto.com becomes one of the most established mainstream marketplaces.




Елронд (ЕГЛД)

EGLD is a highly scalable and speedy blockchain ecosystem that is the heart of the enterprise solution development world. It could significantly impact the business world’s future and create a new internet economy and is, therefore, a solid asset for your portfolio right now.


EGLD and CRO both have strong futures in crypto. But they don’t offer the same early upsides as GLO.

Сазнајте више овде:

Придружите се претпродаји:  https://presale.uniglo.io/register 

Сајт:  https://uniglo.io

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисани чланак, и погледи у њему не представљају ставове ЗиЦрипто-а, нити их треба приписати ЗиЦрипто-у. Читаоци би требало да спроведу независно истраживање пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом, производом или крипто пројектима поменутим у овом делу.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/bear-market-bottom-picks-uniglo-io-cronos-and-elrond/