Биг Тиме Студиос најављује ОПЕН ЛООТ Платформ & Гаминг Фунд

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Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 27th July, 2022, Chainwire


Након успеха лансирања водећег наслова 'Биг Тиме' у рани приступ и генерисања продаје НФТ-а од преко 100 милиона долара, BIG TIME Studios Ltd. (BTS) announced the OPEN LOOT (OL) Platform. OL enables developers to launch web3 games and distribute their NFTs through the OPEN LOOT Marketplace. Its Vault technology enables an extremely easy-to-use experience for receiving and managing blockchain-based digital assets, allowing players to trade and sell to one another in a very natural way.

Без накнаде за гас и тренутног поравнања трансакција, ОЛ ствара најбоље могуће искуство за играче као нико други. „Верујемо да можемо да донесемо успех који смо остварили са Биг Тиме-ом нашим партнерским студијима и да их натерамо да се придруже највећој заједници веб3 игара на свету“, рекао је Ари Меилих, извршни директор БТС-а.

BTS is also announcing the OPEN LOOT Ecosystem Fund, which will support game developers in the journey as they launch their web3. “We are very excited to be able to participate in funding the next generation of web3 games, and bring our expertise in-game economies and our vibrant community to our partners”, said Tony Colafrancesco, VP of Partnerships. Developers interested in working with the Fund can learn more and apply at опенлоот.цом.

BTS is proud to be partnered with game developers GC Turbo, Hit Factor, Motor Meta, and global payments solution Круг.


О Биг Тиме Студиос ЛТД
Big Time Studios LTD. is the publisher & developer of the video game Big Time, and the developers of the OPEN LOOT, a platform for the next generation of web3 games. OPEN LOOT lets game developers mint and distributes crypto-based digital assets within their games and a marketplace, providing for a smooth experience for casual players. Founded by Ari Meilich (Founding CEO at Decentraland) & game industry veterans Thor Alexander and Matt Tonks, the BTS team is distributed around the globe.

For all of the latest news on OPEN LOOT, check out the Званични сајт. Join us on Дискорд, Twitter, и инстаграм.




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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/27/big-time-studios-announces-open-loot-platform-gaming-fund/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=big-time-studios-announces-open-loot-platform-gaming-fund