Највећа продаја виртуелног земљишта достигла 5 милиона долара чиме је Метаверсе постала историја

Biggest Virtual Land Sale: A new deal has made metaverse history as a research company drops 5 million big ones on several plots of land in a rather unknown metaverse.

Финансијско издавачко предузеће Цурзио Ресеарцх, and just announced that they have bought a huge tract of virtual land in a metaverse called ТЦГ Ворлд. They dropped a cool $5 million on the purchase. This blew past the previous record-holder, who paid $4.3 million for a plot in тхе Сандбок.

The metaverse, called TCG World, is not a well-known name. This didn’t seem to concern the virtual land buyer, Curzio Research. The company have secured 19 commercial real estate plots in TCG’s metaverse. The $5m purchase is made up of 12 City 128m x 128m plots and 7 City 256m x 256m plots.


Biggest Virtual Land Sale To Date

Curzio Research say it will mark the largest virtual land sale to date. In exchange, TCG will receive cash, plus Curzio Research безбедност tokens. The tokens represent an ownership stake in the company.

Frank Curzio is the Curzio Research founder. “The metaverse is what the internet was supposed to be. A decentralized, permissionless place where individuals have the freedom to create and own their digital content. When researching the options, TCG World had all the elements – gamification, entertainment, social, and commerce – to create a true open metaverse. And its low fee structure incentivizes innovation for users and developers. We’re happy to be part of this pro-growth model in an industry that has incredible upside potential.” 

Curzio Research has chosen to be in the Asia region of TCG World. Here; it will build its headquarters near WallStreetBets. Curzio VIP members can meet here alongside other investors. Members can also attend live events, listen to exclusive Wall Street Unplugged podcasts, go to educational seminars, and build an investment community.

Curzio plans for their Research headquarters to be finished in time for the TCG World official launch. This is expected to be around September 2022.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/biggest-virtual-land-sale-hits-5-million-making-metaverse-history/