Бинанце се удружио са Виртузоне-ом како би омогућио дигитална плаћања за стартапе у УАЕ

Virtuzone, the UAE’s leading firm providing corporate and business formation services, secured a strategic partnership with Binance to enable digital payments via Binance Pay, according to a PR објављен августа КСНУМКС.

Interestingly, the partnership plans to support web 3 developments in Dubai and open the way for startup companies in the UAE to expand their reach globally via implementing cryptocurrency payments and blockchain solutions.

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Virtuzone has joined the list of Majid Al Futtaim, while JA Resorts and Hotels have already partnered with Binance Pay. Still, it has become the first corporate service provider in the UAE to offer digital payment setups for business companies.

In line with the agreement signed by Chief Executive Officer George Hojeige and Binance’s Executive Director of Business Development and Strategic Partnership, Nadeem Ladki, the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume providing access to over 600 cryptocurrencies, will implement its Binance Pay into the Virtuzone’s operational and service infrastructure.

Dubai appeared as a crypto-friendly region that attracted many companies to settle in because of its welcoming regulations. Similarly, it also has the potential to become a leading center for web 3 and crypto in the future.

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Binance Pay Integration Likely To Drive Crypto Adoption In UAE

While speaking about the partnership’s goals, Neil Petch, Co-founder, and Chairman of Virtuzone, added;

„Партнерство које смо склопили са Бинанце-ом одражава нашу посвећеност да наставимо нашу потрагу за иновативним решењима која ће позитивно утицати на стартап заједницу УАЕ, истовремено проширујући будуће могућности и прилике за Виртузоне и његове клијенте. Сарадња са реномираним лидером технологије Веб 3.0 као што је Бинанце, ставља нас на чело дигиталне трансформације и Четврте индустријске револуције широм УАЕ и региона.

Binance Pay is a crypto payment solution operated under the supervision of a global tech giant and crypto exchange that enables borderless, contactless, and secure digital funds transfers. It provides user-to-user transfers and supports a waste number of cryptos to transfer money anywhere in the world. And as it does not need any third-party counters to process, it prevents delays and fees, making the process cheaper.

Binance’s Executive Director, Nadeem Ladki, pointed toward more developments the partnership will drive ahead and said;

“As a leader in its space, Virtuzone’s decision to accept cryptocurrency payments and integrate Binance Pay into its systems raises the bar for innovation and demonstrates the way forward when it comes to setting up businesses in the UAE. The ease with which to use Binance Pay anywhere in the world, coupled with best-in-class security and technology, will be a huge draw to the local and global startup community looking to build their businesses out of the UAE.”

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Crypto payments are increasingly becoming the choice of everyone. According to a recent study by Цхецкоут.цом, 40% of youth across 11 countries prefer crypto payments for buying goods and services.

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Source: https://bitcoinist.com/binance-partners-with-virtuzone/