БинариКс покреће стратешку игру ЦиберЦхесс са наградним фондом од 500,000 долара

BinaryX, a Game-Fi development platform, announced today the launch of CyberChess.

It is one of the first auto-chess strategy games in the GameFi P2E space. ЦиберЦхесс offers people on Web3.0 new entry points into the world of GameFi. 

$500,000 worth in BNX and Heroes giveaway

Да прославимо лансирање, БинариКс will commence Season 1 of ranked mode battles, where players will have a chance to win up to $500,000 USD worth of prizes in the first 8 weeks of launch.

In the same period, BNX аирдропс will be announced and given away via Дискорд Twitter. To get a headstart, players can also stand to receive additional 2 heroes and 2 skills when they enter the code ‘4morechess‘ under the settings option in the game menu.

New free-to-play, play-and-earn model

As a free-to-play, play-and-earn web 3 game, CyberChess was designed to allow players to start playing the game without having to make an initial investment.

When new players connect to the game for the first time, they can summon 5 free heroes and 2 free skills to start participating in matches with other players.

Играчи такође могу да допуне или купују у игри како би позвали нове хероје и стекли нове вештине. Овај модел смањује баријеру за улазак за играче који су нови у ГамеФи-ју и омогућава играчима да уживају у игри због ње, потенцијално зарађујући жетоне у игри у процесу. 

Robust and transparent tokenomics 

Као трећа игра у Цибер серији, ЦиберЦхесс доприноси корисности БНКС-а јер нуди нову могућност за држаче БНКС токена да конзумирају злато у игри. 

The gold consumed in CyberChess goes back to funding the development of our games and supporting ДАО functionalities for community and resource management in the entire ecosystem. BinaryX provides a transparent look into how the funds are being used on their website. 

Explosive battle modes and strategy-based gameplay

As GameFi continues to mature and evolve as an industry, BinaryX plans to accelerate the mass adoption of GameFi by making GameFi games more fun and challenging for players.

This includes adding more complicated features and difficulty settings for gamers who want a solid strategy-based gaming experience as well as the earning potential of GameFi. 

Игра за ЦиберЦхесс одаје почаст популарном формату аутоматске игре шаха у традиционалном игрању и дизајнирана је да подиже искуство играња за играче у ГамеФи-ју. Играчи могу учествовати у два начина борбе - Режим рангирања и арене

У рангираном режиму, играчи могу да се боре у ПвП мечу како би акумулирали злато у игри. С друге стране, играчи се боре са другим играчима како би се попели на врх листе и однели атрактиван наградни фонд од $БНКС у режиму Арена.

Прочитајте ЦиберЦхесс Вики да научите како се игра 

Addition of in-game marketplace

ЦиберЦхесс долази са сопственим тржиштем у игри где играчи могу да наведу средства у игри као што су хероји и вештине у замену за злато. То значи да играчи имају више начина да надограде или акумулирају више злата.

‘BinaryX created CyberChess to stand out amongst games in the играти за зарадити genre. It comes with more complex gameplay, which makes the game more challenging and fun for players who enjoy traditional strategy games.

We’re excited for our fans to start playing CyberChess and to immerse into the new world we created,’ said Chun S., Global Head of Business Development at BinaryX.  

Launching as IGO platform

Раније ове године, БинариКс је најавио своје прво ИГО партнерство. Са лансирањем ЦиберЦхесс-а, БинариКс је спреман да реализује своје амбициозне планове да служи и као ГамеФи програмер и као ИГО платформа.

‘The goal is to be a home ground for gamers, developers, and investors to access and interact with GameFi. We aim to be the frontrunner in the space and we have a ton of exciting IGO projects coming up. Launching our IGO platform is the next step,’ Chun said.

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О БинариКс-у

BinaryX is the GameFi platform behind the play-to-earn games ЦиберДрагон ЦиберАрена, а оба послују у ланцу БНБ. 

BinaryX began as a decentralized derivative trading system. Recognizing the burgeoning popularity of GameFi and interest in metaverse games, the team gradually evolved into developing decentralized video games and is now transitioning to becoming a GameFi platform offering IGO services to bridge Web2 developers to Web3.

As one of the top 10 projects on the BNB Chain, BinaryX has more than 100k coin holders and 15K monthly active wallets.

It is also one of the largest metaverse projects by trading volume on the BNB chain, with more than 300 million in market cap. BinaryX also has a token, $BNX, that has consistently demonstrated strong performance despite the bear market.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/binaryx-launches-strategy-game-cyberchess-with-500000-prize-pool/