Досадни мајмун кит прикупља НФТ-ове ДеГодс вредне 1 милион долара

Nearly $1 million was spent on Monday to sweep 69 DeGods НФТ by an alias trader known only as “Pokeee.” Pokeee purchased the NFTs from a project through the Магиц Еден marketplace using a tool that enables buyers to “sweep the floor” or acquire a desired number of NFTs. Instead of picking out a few more expensive assets, traders will occasionally buy a lot of the lowest-priced NFTs in a project as a wager on the collection’s success in the future.

Pokeee previously stated that he would do this if his tweet from January 13 gained 1,000 Twitter likes. In his tweet, he pledged to purchase 69 NFTs “in support of” the project’s upcoming switch to Ethereum. The tweet eventually received close to 3,000 likes. The roughly $900,000 purchase was finalized three days later.

Pokeee contains 3 Bored Ape NFTs

Pokeee claims to be the same owner as the Pokeee.eth Ethereum Novcanik. However, which includes three valuable Досадни јахтни клуб Апе NFTs, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) name, and other НФТ колекционарство.

Pokeee stated that he manages a private цриптоцурренци fund in a text interview that Magic Eden published on the marketplace’s website. He also claimed that the reason he made this significant DeGods play was that the project was going to switch to Ethereum.

Објаснио је,

„Мој циљ са овом инвестицијом је заправо да их премостим са ЕТХ. Нисам могао да уложим више свог портфеља у Солану због ризика у ланцу. На мањим НФТ-овима и ковницама тада сам се добро забављао у Солани.”

DeGods claims to top NFT community on Solana?

DeGods claims to be the “#1 NFT community on солана“. These NFTs are NOT related to the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). Instead, this collection consists of original works of art. Numerous well-known figures in the cryptocurrency community, such as Ice Cube, Sidney Zhang, Anatoly Yakovenko, and Raj Gokal (co-founders of Solana), hold these non-fungible tokens.

There are 3,540 owners of the digital art collection as of this writing; North Korea is the only nation without a DeGods holder. It is not surprising that the DeDAO (The project’s DAO) purchased a basketball team on April 28, 2022 – the Big3 team, Killer 3s – for $625,000 with more than $135M in sales to date.

Такође читајте: Explained: What Are Soulbound Tokens And How Do They Work?

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Source: https://coingape.com/bored-ape-whale-collects-1m-worth-degods-nfts/