Боред Апес ће се појавити на великом екрану уз Цоинбасе 'Деген Трилоги'

America’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase, has announced that it is creating an interactive movie featuring the Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Details are thin on the ground at the time of press, but Coinbase tweeted “definitely something” on April 12, adding that an interactive trilogy about the БАИЦ and ApeCoin community is in the pipeline.

The tweet was clearly aimed at БАИЦ holders as it continued to state how they can help the company make the movie: “Get a Coinbase новчаник, Submit your Bored Ape, Hide an easter egg.”

Имало је а веза to a website called degentrilogy.com which was essentially a splash page with a 1980’s style font title declaring “something is coming,” and a link to connect a Coinbase wallet.  

The first of three installments of the series of short animated films will premiere at NFT.NYC in June. The BAYC community will be able to contribute ideas for the plot.

Coinbase has developed the series to tie in with its upcoming НФТ тржиште launch. Coinbase Entertainment and Culture Marketing Director, William Swann, said, “We’ve been inspired by the Bored Ape Yacht Club community and excited to invite them to co-create this film with us,” describing the collection as a “North Star in the NFT space.”

Once released, the movies may only be viewable by those that have connected their Coinbase wallets to the platform.

Art creator “Dippudo” тврди that BAYC holders will be giving up perpetual intellectual property rights to their NFTs by letting Coinbase use them in exchange for $10,000 in APE or BTC paid into their Coinbase wallets.

други упитан having to move their Apes to Coinbase:

“So for this I would have to move my ape to the coinbase wallet? Is there another way. I won’t be moving my ape off my ledger.”

Други сугестија was to channel the costs of making a movie into Coinbase customer service which is notoriously bad. “How about the money you use to make that film you use to make your customer service and app better,”

There were also many comments asking about the launch of the Coinbase NFT marketplace which still says “coming soon” on its website, six months after it was првобитно најављено.

BAYC market outlook

Last month, BIC reported that BAYC sales volume had declined substantially, however they are still the top collection by seven-day volumes according to Cryptoslam.

The Mutant Ape Yacht Club collection has seen $31 million in secondary seven-day sales while BAYC is just behind with $28 million as reported by Цриптослам.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/bored-apes-hit-big-screen-with-coinbase-degen-trilogy/