Враћање музичке индустрије њеним коренима: КИЦК.ИО је домаћин Вилви ИДО-а

If you were around during the days when vinyl albums were the primary way to listen to music, then you’ve surely seen how immensely the music industry has changed. Back in the day, you had to be dedicated to your favorite artists to go out and buy their records. Compare that to today where you can stream music for free.

While this is convenient for the listener, it has made creating music downright unprofitable for many artists due to the tiny payments they get out of streaming services.

Vilvi (Virtually Vinyl) promises to change that and is pioneering the use of NFTs in the music industry, ensuring that artists can get their just due without making music harder to access. Due to the scarcity inherent in NFTs, we can go back to a world where digital items replace the vinyl records of the old days.

By buying one of these NFTs, much like a collectible album sleeve of the past, fans can get a piece of history related to their favorite artists. The best part is that these NFTs can be resold, and every time one of them is resold, the original artist gets a cut of the proceeds, allowing them to essentially make royalties off of the sales.

Since all of the accounting is done on the blockchain, it also means that everything is visible, so artists won’t have to worry about a label not holding up their side of the deal. It also means that releasing physical music isn’t as difficult, which allows more artists to get into vinyl. This also helps artists get their work out in developing countries where streaming may not be as popular.

At KICK.IO, we recently announced that Vilvi will be the next project featured on our launchpad. We couldn’t be more thrilled. Our Cardano-powered launchpad is designed to give the community power over funding the projects that they think will be the most successful. Let’s go over some of the details of the Vilvi sale, including the number of tokens available and their start and end dates.

Vilvi Pre-Public Sale on KICK.IO

The Vilvi pre-public sale is available exclusively to the KICK.IO community. The sale starts on January 17, 2022 at 12:00 UTC, and it will end on January 28, 2022 at 12:00 UTC. We’ve already seen plenty of interest from both the Vilvi and KICK.IO communities. If you like the idea of supporting Vilvi, be sure to note down when the sale starts and be prepared for it.

  • Тицкер: ВЛВ
  • Price for seed round: $ КСНУМКС УСД
  • Price for IDO round: 0.06 УСД
  • КИЦ: да
  • Public Sale Start Date: 2022-1-17 12:00 UTC
  • Public Sale End Date: 2022-1-28 12:00 UTC
  • Укупна понуда токена: 190,000,000.00
  • Расположива за продају: 9,500,000.00
  • Хард Цап: $ КСНУМКС
  • Опција плаћања: ADA

Vesting Schedule for the IDO:

Seed Round: 6 month lock up with 15% releasing per month.
IDO Round: 5 month lock up with 20% releasing per month.

In order to participate in the endorsement system for seed round, 10 000 KICK has to be staked in one of the locked pools.



КИЦК.ИО је платформа за прикупљање средстава заснована на Цардано-у и акцелератор пројеката, дизајниран да пружи транспарентне, ефикасне и потпуно децентрализоване услуге цровдфундинга. КИЦК.ИО је постављен да сазре у камен темељац новог ДеФи пејзажа којим доминира Цардано, постајући место где се Цардано-ова велика заједница може окупити да финансира пројекте које карактерише огроман потенцијал за будући успех.

Наша децентрализована лансирна платформа следеће генерације ће бити изграђена у складу са најбољим праксама индустрије ДеФи, обезбеђујући поравнање у реалном времену, врхунску безбедност, интероперабилност, истинску децентрализацију, нулти ризик друге стране, а истовремено ће бити потпуно скалабилан како би се задовољиле потребе институционалних инвеститора. За разлику од наших конкурената, ми нудимо пуну подршку за Цардано изворне токене и скуп напредних ДеФи алата који су потребни будућим пројектима да би напредовали и напредовали.

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Source: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/bringing-the-music-industry-back-to-its-roots-kick-io-hosts-the-vilvi-ido/