Цаке ДеФи покреће подухват од 100 милиона долара за Веб3, игре и финтецх иницијативе

Singapore-based decentralized finance (DeFi) services firm Cake DeFi announced the launch of a $100 million venture arm dedicated to serving as accelerators for Web3, gaming, nonfungible tokens (NFT) and other crypto initiatives.

Новопокренути подухват вредан 100 милиона долара, Цаке ДеФи Вентурес (ЦДВ), финансираће крипто стартапове који допуњују основну делатност компаније. Према Цаке ДеФи-ју, компанија ће „бити фокусирана на улагање у технолошке стартапове широм Веб3, метаверзума, НФТ простора, игрица, еспорта и финтецх простора“.

Cake DeFi’s primary suite of services includes liquidity mining, staking and lending of cryptocurrencies — aimed at generating high returns from existing crypto holdings. In addition to receiving CDV’s funding, the announcement read:

“Portfolio companies have the opportunity to access numerous Cake products, connections, users, resources, and expertise within the global blockchain industry.”

U-Zyn Chua, co-founder and chief technology officer of Cake DeFi, said that investing in early-stage crypto startups “will allow us to enhance our Web3 offerings.” In addition to advising relevant startups to share their project details with CDV, the company has also opened doors to other VC firms and investors for co-investment opportunities or strategic partnerships.

Релатед: Сингапур је забележио 13-струки скок у крипто инвестицијама у 2021: КПМГ

A new report from Big Four accounting firm KPMG highlighted a 10x increase in Singapore’s crypto-related investments last year — up from $110 million in 2020 to $1.48 billion in 2021.

As Cointelegraph reported, the substantial increase in crypto investments is primarily due to active governmental efforts to stimulate the capital market. Most notably, the Singapore government established a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) listing framework, which allows fast-growing firms and unicorns to go public.

Moreover, this year, the government has also taken proactive measures to regulate speculative digital assets.