Цан ЛЕАСХ скочити у Топ 100 Цриптос Афтер БОНЕ

Вести о новчићима Шиба Ину: In a historic feat, the upcoming Layer-2 Схибариум main token has entered the топ 100 крипто валута by market capitalization. The hype around Shibarium gave a much-needed boost to Shiba Inu’s Bone and the asset not only surged in terms of price but also in market value. And now, the community is focusing on the other token in the SHIB ecosystem, Doge Killer (LEASH).

Can LEASH Jump Into the Top 100 Cryptos?

Схитосхи Кусама, the lead developer of Shiba Inu Coin is dropping various hints at the imminent release of the much-awaited Layer 2. After releasing the second blog on Shibarium and other developments, Shytoshi most recently updated his Twitter bio with: “On (fire emoji) & on schedule.”

Само јуче, кост entered the coveted top 100 cryptos as its market cap hit a high of $450 million, which pushed the asset’s ranking to 97. According to CoinMarketCap, BONE is now trading at $1.88, up from around $0.88 at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, Leash witnessed minimal price movements despite the numerous updates from the Схиба Ину мреже.

At the time of writing, the asset was trading for $694.73 with a 5.30% daily price surge. The market cap of Leash was $74,786,048, and it was ranked no. 2714 on CoinMarketCap.

Leash price surge
Извор – ЦоинМаркетЦап

Despite being priced the highest among the other cryptocurrencies in the Shiba Inu Coin ecosystem, the market cap of Leash is too low in comparison with SHIB and BONE. Read more Shiba Inu News here…

Leash in Top 100: Nearly Impossible

As you know, the reason for Bone’s upsurge is drawn from the impending launch of the Layer 2 Shibarium beta. It is going to be the native token selected to pay for gas transactions and reward validators within the protocol. Meanwhile, Doge Killer’s utility is associated with Shibaverse, the Шиба Ину метаверзум.

Metaverse was the buzzword in 2022, but the emergence of вештачка интелигенција smoothly put this technology in the back seat. Hence, the decline in the hype around the metaverse might restrict the growth of Doge Killer (LEASH).

У закључку, тржиште цриптоцурренци is unpredictable. Anything and everything is possible! Therefore, if you are planning to invest in crypto assets, do your research and seek professional advice.

Такође читајте: Shytoshi Kusama Reveales His New Plans For Shibarium

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Source: https://coingape.com/shiba-inu-news-can-leash-jump-into-top-100-cryptos-after-bone-10121/