Може ли Ватцхдог да избегне судске налоге о Хинмановом говору?

The crucial Ripple vs U.S SEC lawsuit is leading toward the summary judgment schedule. However, the revelation of the Hinman speech related documents still remains the key. Meanwhile, the commission has filed a letter to further delay the process of disclosure.

Watchdog still shielding Hinman’s speech

According to the letter, the SEC submitted its application for leave to file a 30-page opening brief and a 10-page reply brief. This is done in order to support its objection to three orders given by Magistrate Judge Netburn. However, it added that the Defendants oppose both of these requests.

Раније, Judge Netburn slammed the authority for its assertion over the Hinman speech. She ordered the disclosure of the drafts of a 2018 speech given by the ex Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance.

The SEC further highlighted that it sought leave to file objections to all court orders regarding the speech draft. However, the court accepted this application and granted them 14 days to file any objections to the commission’s outstanding motion.

Attorney Jeremy Hogan mentioned that SEC will be objecting to Judge Netburn‘s order over attorney client privilege. He added that they want to overturn her order.

Will SEC reveal the docs?

Judge Netburn released her orders on July 12, 2022, and SEC’s objections will be due by July 26, 2022. The letter added that the commissions will be filing objections against three separate orders and that too in a single omnibus brief. For this, the authority seeks to fill a big 30 page memorandum of law.

Meanwhile, the watchdog is seeking to file a 10 page reply brief within 7 days of Ripple’s opposition.

John Deaton, the XRP holder’s lawyer said that the SEC lawyers are arrogant and live in the chambers of echo. They will try to convince us that Judge is wrong and SEC has done everything right. He assured that the commission will say that Judge failed to understand the nuances of their positions.

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Source: https://coingape.com/ripple-vs-sec-can-watchdog-dodge-court-orders-on-hinmans-speech/