ФЦФ Паи у Канади додаје подршку за Флоки Ину омогућавајући трговцима да прихвате ФЛОКИ као плаћање

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Canadian Payment Gateway, FCF Pay Add Support for Floki Inu (FLOKI), Enabling Merchants to Accept FLOKI as Payment.

Canada-based crypto payment gateway FCF Pay recently announced the listing of Floki Inu, facilitating vendors across the globe to accept FLOKI as payment.

FCF Pay is showing some special love towards canine-themed cryptocurrencies as the leading crypto payment gateway has recently added support for most of them, including SHIB Trifecta (Shiba Inu, BONE, and LEASH) and Бебе Доге Цоин (BabyDoge).

FCF Pay is committed to driving cryptocurrency adoption, benefiting consumers and merchants.

Retailers can stay ahead of the competition with FCF Pay as it empowers the sellers by offering them the all-in-one solution to accept cryptocurrency and fiat payments by offering low processing fees and processing payments instantly.

On the other hand, FCF Pay also empowers cryptocurrency holders by allowing them to use their favorite crypto as currency when buying goods and services.

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Садржај је само у информативне сврхе и може укључивати лично мишљење аутора и не одражава нужно мишљење ТхеЦриптоБасиц-а. Све финансијске инвестиције, укључујући криптовалуте, носе значајан ризик, тако да увек урадите комплетно истраживање пре улагања. Никада не улажите новац који не можете приуштити да изгубите; аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш финансијски губитак или добит.

Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/28/canadian-based-fcf-pay-adds-support-for-floki-inu-enabling-merchants-to-accept-floki-as-payment/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=canadian-based-fcf-pay-adds-support-for-floki-inu-enabling-merchants-to-accept-floki-as-payment