Цардано је у благом растућем тренду и циља на максимум од 0.45 долара

08. фебруар 2023. у 11:42 // Cena

Cardano is in a gentle uptrend

Cardano (ADA) price has been gradually rising since December 30. Today, the uptrend has reached a high of $0.40. The peak of the cryptocurrency is forecast at $0.45.

Дугорочне прогнозе цена Цардано: биковске

The cryptocurrency price recorded a series of higher highs and higher lows. The resistance zone of $0.41 currently acts as a barrier for the uptrend that is currently in place. If the barrier at $0.41 is broken, a rally above $0.45 could begin. The positive momentum will take it to the next barrier at $0.52. Cardano is currently trading in an overbought area of the market. In a market that is in an active trend, an overbought scenario cannot last. 

Цардано анализа индикатора

For the period 14, Cardano is moving up above level 61 of the Relative Strength Index. As long as the price bars are above the moving average lines, the altcoin will rise. Cardano is trading in an oversold area of the market. It is above the daily stochastic level of 80.

АДАУСД (Дневни графикон) - фебруар 8.23.јпг

Технички индикатори

Кључне зоне отпора: $1.00, $1.20, $1.40

Кључне зоне подршке: $0.60, $0.40, $0.20

Који је следећи потез за Цардано?

Cardano is still rising and is above the lines representing the moving averages. If the price rises above the $0.41 resistance, the uptrend can be resumed. The uptrend has strengthened somewhat since December 30.

ADAUSD(4 Hour Chart) - February 8.23.jpg

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да сами истраже пре него што инвестирају у фондове.

Source: https://coinidol.com/cardano-gentle-uptrend/