Цардано НФТ тржиште Фрацтал Хоскинсеа покреће приватну продају токена $ХСК

Hoskinsea is pleased to announce its token private sale. It is a marketplace for NFTs that runs on the Cardano network. With Cardano, each transaction is fast and secure at scale, and the ability to trade across chains opens the door to a vibrant ecosystem of crypto assets and collectibles. 

Hoksinsea has experienced huge growth since its inception on the Cardano network giving a sharp rise in the interest level of the crypto community. Hoskinsea just announced its token private sale to early participants who will be among their lucky holders.

Hoskinsea allows any user to create a shop and list their own NFTs for sale under a fixed price or a revenue split with the marketplace. Users can buy from other users, or from shops on Hoskinsea marketplace.

Hoskinsea promotes artists and creators by providing them with a trustless marketplace to share their art. In the future, as the tagline “collectible as an artist” suggests, we hope that users will be able to have their own Dapps on the Cardano network where they can tokenize their physical artwork and sell digital certificates of authenticity.

$HSK Tokens has several uses on the Hoskinsea platform, which will benefit token holders. Hoskinsea aims to build a fully functional Decentralized NFT marketplace on the Cardano ecosystem. 

HSK token holder’s benefits

  • Куповина НФТ-а: HSK token holders can be able to purchase NFTs, collectibles, and digital assets from Hoskinsea marketplace at a discounted price using HSK tokens.  
  • Payment of Transaction Fees: Fees arising from NFT minting can be paid using HSK token making the procedure a swift process for token holders
  • Token Staking/Yield farming: HSK token holders can choose to stake their tokens on our staking platform to earn more tokens in rewards
  • Управљање и гласање: HSK token holders will be made part of the decision-making process on issues that affect our Ecosystem. As such only holders of our token will be given the ability to vote on the necessary decision-making process that will affect our ecosystem.
  • It is important to note that the amount degree of votes you can give and participation in said voting process will be dependent on the number of tokens you hold.
  • НФТ Фарминг: Корисници ће моћи да уложе НФТ-ове на нашој НФТ платформи за улагање и моћи ће да зараде награде у ограниченим/ретким НФТ-овима којима се може трговати и на другим НФТ платформама.
  • Прерасподела трансакцијских накнада: Top holders of HSK tokens will be able to benefit also on our platform by earning a fixed percentage of profits made from all the transactions carried on our platform using the HSK token.

Карактеристике ХОСКИНСЕА НФТ Маркетплаце-а

  1. Ковање НФТ-ова на тржишту са особинама/атрибутима
  2. Јавни и приватни огласи
  3. Оглас/продаја у различитим Цардано изворним токенима 
  4. ЦЕКС & ДЕКС Паи интеграција
  5. Индекс реткости и рангирање особина
  6. 3Д приказивач НФТ-а
  7. Ултра брз и јефтин процес ковања
  8. Ниски трошкови трансакције
  9. Брзи кориснички интерфејс и кориснички интерфејс са кеширањем НФТ-ова

ХСК токен приватна продаја 

1 ADA: 100 HSK Token

Минимална куповина: 200 АДА

Maximum Purchase: 20000 АДА

Early participants can purchase in HSK token private sale and become early holders of HSK tokens – https://sale.hoskinsea.io/ 

Друштвени медији

телеграм: http://t.me/hoskinsea 

Твиттер: http://twitter.com/hoskinsea 

Средњи: https://medium.com/@Hoskinsea.io 

ЛинкедИн: https://www.linkedin.com/company/generational-wealth-society/

ГитБоок: https://hoskinsea.gitbook.io/docs/the-company

Детаљи о медијима

Назив фирме: Hosakinsea

Контакт Име: Hosakinsea

Локација: САД/НИ

Е-маил: [емаил заштићен]

Сајт: https://www.hoskinsea.io/

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Ово је плаћено место и не треба га третирати као вест / савет.

Source: https://ambcrypto.com/cardano-nft-marketplace-fractal-hoskinsea-launches-hsk-token-private-sale/