Цардано Стартуп Равендек најављује такмичење у трговању на БитМарту

Ravendexlabs has announced a trading competition to celebrate their BitMart listing which happened on January 10, 2022.

О Равендеку

Ravendex, a Cardano startup project that started last year is on a mission to build a Robust, Scalable, and Secure Decentralized Exchange on Cardano where users can trade their Cardano Native Tokens without a middleman.

Раве Токен

The Ravendex protocol will be powered by a single utility token $Rave that will have multiple use cases like, Staking with an impressive APR of 15%. Governance as $Rave holders will be able to vote on certain proposals that affect the Ravendex Ecosystem.

Ravendex staking protocol when released to the public will be unique in its own form as users can create a Vault, Verify their Address, Choose a pool, and stake their $Rave tokens without moving the $Rave assets in the wallet.

$Rave listing on Bitmart

$Rave token has been available for trading on Bitmart exchange, a popular and traditional centralized exchange (CEX). The token is listed on Coinmarketcap with a market cap of over 4 Million Dollars. The Ravendex Team also has plans of supplying initial liquidity to Sundaeswap to boost its liquidity volume before moving it to Ravendex own Dex when launched.

Rave trading competition on Bitmart

To celebrate the BitMart listing, Ravendex is organizing a trading competition in connection with Bitmart. Ravendex (RAVE) was listed on BitMart at 6:00 AM on January 10, 2022, EST! To celebrate the listing of RAVE, they are giving away 9,090,900 RAVE in our RAVE Net Buying Competition Events!

Конкурс ће трајати од 8. фебруара до 23. фебруара 2022. године.

More details can be found on the BitMart exchange website.

The future of Ravendex?

Са веома искусним развојним тимом, Равендек је на мисији да развије Де-Фи Таилоред производе који не само да би убрзали Цардано екосистем већ и дали вредност нашим производима са револуционарним иновативним апликацијама на блокчејну.

Ravendex is displaying a huge amount of new development and innovation. With the Staking Platform being one of the first, Ravendex is poised to become the leading DEX on Cardano.

Buy $Rave on Bitmart.

Keep up with Ravendex by following them on their social media below:

Twitter | Telegram | Github | 

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/cardano-startup-ravendex-trading-competition-on-bitmart/