Цардано Топ новчаник добија велику надоградњу са новим издањем

Томиваболд Олајиде

Lace light wallet platform has gone through multiple upgrades since its April 2023 launch

Цардано Топ новчаник добија велику надоградњу са новим издањем

Насловна слика преко ввв.фреепик.цом

Одрицање од одговорности: Мишљења која су изнели наши писци су њихова сопствена и не представљају ставове У.Тодаи. Финансијске и тржишне информације дате на У.Тодаи намењене су само у информативне сврхе. У.Тодаи није одговоран за било какве финансијске губитке настале током трговања криптовалутама. Спроведите сопствено истраживање тако што ћете контактирати финансијске стручњаке пре него што донесете било какву инвестициону одлуку. Верујемо да је сав садржај тачан на дан објављивања, али одређене понуде можда више неће бити доступне.

Cardano lightweight Web3 wallet Оплести has gotten a new upgrade with its 1.6 release. The Lace team excitedly announces the launch of the 1.6 version, which brings improvements and gives users more control over multi-staking.

It should be recalled that in September, the multi-staking feature was introduced through the 1.5 release. Lace’s multi-delegation, or multi-staking feature, allows users to distribute their ADA stake over several pools. The feature allows stake delegation to up to five stake pools from a single account in its initial stage.

Users can now stake as much or as little as they choose in each of up to five stake pools in their multi-staking selection with the new 1.6 release. Users can also view and adjust the ratios of all their stake pools by adding or subtracting a percentage from an easy-to-use interface using this feature, which was provided as part of version 1.6.

As part of the improvements, users can now see all the pools they have picked for multi-staking at the top of the Browse Pools tab. In addition, for better navigation, “tooltips” have been added to each of the column titles. Users can also quickly configure their recovery phrase.

Lace 1.6 now displays funds from all addresses appropriately after multi-staking, as well as an accurate calculation if a pool is removed. On the mainnet, the staking summary will no longer show ADA rewards.

Since its mainnet introduction in April 2023, the Lace light wallet platform has gone through multiple upgrades, adding new features and improving usability regularly.

Last month, Lace’s usability saw an expansion with the addition of the multi-staking feature, which allows users to delegate their ADA to multiple stake pools, further decentralizing the ecosystem.

О аутору

Томиваболд Олајиде

Source: https://u.today/cardano-top-wallet-gets-major-upgrade-with-new-release