ЦГЦ Кс ГамеФи и Метаверсе конференција се отвара 22. фебруара 2022

CGC X, the tenth edition of the leading blockchain games conference, will take place on February 22nd and 23rd! Two full days of priceless content and interactive networking with over 1,500 participants await you.

Don’t miss a chance to learn wisdom from 50+ expert speakers, walk around the virtual venue and meet industry leaders, check out the latest games and participate in quests, hang out with peers in lounge zones with live DJ performances, and more.

Прошле су четири године откако је први ЦГЦ догађај окупио гомилу стартапа и ентузијаста из блокчејна и простора за игре узбуђених да се састану и разговарају о могућностима нове технологије да поремете индустрију забаве. Убрзано унапред до 2021. године, ти људи су променили начин на који људи перципирају игре, уметност, колекционарске предмете, моду и друштвену интеракцију, револуционишући власништво над дигиталном робом и омогућивши тако популаран феномен метаверзума над којим данас сви слине.

What an amazing journey it was – four years, nine conferences, over 15,000 attendees, and collaborations with the bestest blockchain startups from all over the world. And we’re just getting started! In February 2022, be prepared to taste the anniversary CCG X in a fascinating and fully interactive virtual 3D environment, leveling up the event experience and immersion.

Гаме Екпо

Walk around the virtual expo zone filled with booths to discover the latest developments and brand-new blockchain / NFT games. Get familiar with the red hot P2E landscape and dive into the metaverse together.


Као и увек, ЦГЦ Кс позива врхунске утицајне индустрије и руководиоце водећих компанија у простору децентрализованих игара да поделе знање, увиде и искуство. Не пропустите прилику да учите од светила који обликују будућност игара.


Multiple events are planned for two days of CGC X. Ranging from quests and giveaways, to live DJ performances and NFT galleries set up in a spectacular virtual world – those are sure to knock your socks off! Additional surprises will be announced shortly.


Blockchain games utilize features of decentralized networks in their mechanics. Combined with DeFi, they transform traditional gaming experience into play-and-earn activity, where users become more than players, but also investors and virtual business owners, earning interest on their assets.


Non-Fungible Tokens are genuine digital items minted on a blockchain. Each item’s uniqueness and ownership are proven by distributed ledger and cannot be counterfeited. These qualities brought adoption and massive use of NFTs by game developers, artists, auction houses, fashion brands, musicians, and metaverses bringing all of them together.


Mingle with industry peers, get in touch and mix using the meeting system, attend parties and lounges. Easily communicate with speakers, exhibitors, and media. Make new acquaintances and discuss opportunities as if it’s a good old physical show. Accessible to all, everywhere in the world!


CGC has been running a series of international events about technology and video games since early 2018, targeting industry professionals and enthusiasts excited about blockchain, NFTs, VR/AR, and innovation.

Nine conferences have already taken place, bringing together more than 15,000 delegates from over 100 countries, and creating hundreds of new partnerships and opportunities. Designed as a global knowledge center, a showcase of emerging tech and trends as well as a platform for networking, CGC endeavors to drive dissemination and mass adoption of disruptive technologies set to change video games and entertainment industries.

Visit the CGC website for more information.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/cgc-x-gamefi-and-metaverse-conference-opens-on-february-22-2022/