ЦхангеНОВ додаје Фларе Нетворк (ФЛР) на листу од 850+ средстава за тренутне замене

ЦхангеНОВ is delighted to announce that it has added the Фларе Нетворк (FLR) to its list of 850+ assets. The addition will allow users of ChangeNOW to conduct instant swaps and exchange FLR for any cryptocurrency from the list starting from $2 transaction amounts. Listing of the Flare Network token is a major milestone for the ChangeNOW platform in its commitment to providing the Flare Network community with quality service and a convenient and secure means of running operations with their digital holdings.

The addition of the FLR token to ChangeNOW trails the launch of the Flare Network TGE (Token Generation Event), which took place earlier on January 9. The two-week event entails the airdrop of 15% of a total of 28.5 billion FLR tokens allocated to the TGE. All remaining tokens will be distributed among participants of the airdrop within the ensuing 36 months.

ChangeNOW offers a smart and secure exchange option for FLR, bridging the asset directly with 850+ other tokens available on the platform. Among the benefits provided by ChangeNOW is a lack of necessity of account creation for swapping assets, as well as high-security levels and convenience of operation. In addition to providing a user-oriented approach to exchange options, ChangeNOW guarantees near-instant transaction processing in under 5 minutes, with swaps taking place almost instantly.

“We are delighted to introduce FLR to the list of assets available on ChangeNOW so that every holder can swap, store, and manage their assets in a secure and truly decentralized manner,” as ChangeNOW Team commented on the listing.

The broad range of products constituting the ChangeNOW ecosystem is a major advantage of the platform, offering users the opportunity to swap FLR and other listed cryptocurrencies and manage and store their assets using a wide variety of dedicated solutions. Among the most important is the НОВ Валлет – a self-custodial, cross-chain digital asset repository supporting over 40 blockchain networks for instant asset management from both mobile and desktop platforms.

Another handy tool offered by ChangeNOW is the recently launched НОВ Трацкер – a decentralized portfolio tracking application. NOW Tracker supports both cold and hot wallets while storing all user data on the user’s device for greater security. What’s more, NOW Tracker functionality is not limited to cryptocurrencies, as the stock market data is also available for the application users. Visit the official ChangeNOW for more details on the full list of available applications for personal and business use.

The Flare Network launched operations in 2019 and has since witnessed considerable traction in terms of community growth and product lineup expansion. Several leading companies within the industry have also resorted to the Flare Network for support and partnership purposes, further bolstering the project’s community and prominence on the market. 

О ЦхангеНОВ -у

ЦхангеНОВ је платформа за размену криптовалута која није старатељство која омогућава корисницима да купују, продају и размењују дигиталну имовину, без скривених накнада. Као један од највећих заговорника масовног усвајања криптовалута, ЦхангеНОВ настоји да створи безбедно, приватно и интуитивно окружење за кориснике.

ЦхангеНОВ нуди своју веб локацију прилагођену кориснику и мобилну апликацију доступну на АппСторе-у и Гоогле Плаи-у за брз, транспарентан и сигуран процес размене криптовалута.

Платформа нуди 850+ крипто и фиат средстава, нема горњу границу, а већина трансакција се завршава у року од пет минута. 

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Ово је плаћено место и не треба га третирати као вест / савет.

Source: https://ambcrypto.com/changenow-adds-flare-network-flr-to-list-of-850-assets-for-instant-swaps/