Универзитет у Синсинатију би сада понудио курс о криптовалутама

The demand for courses focusing on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has skyrocketed lately. Thanks to the advancements in technology, awareness of the concept and knowledge of it to some extent are seen in the masses. However, a proper course entailing blockchain technology was not available in most of the colleges.

This isn’t the same anymore, since the University of Cincinnati has announced its plan to add courses to its curriculum that teach about the said technology.

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University’s Decision About Introducing Blockchain Course Appreciated

This move is being applauded by the community since it shows efforts to evolve the college syllabus according to the advancements being seen in the world currently. Цриптоцурренци НФТ have already created a major impact on the citizenry, by showing everyone its potential to revolutionize several sectors in the future.

It has already been making strides in certain industries like commerce and economics. Thus, the importance of including such categories in the curriculum may help the students going forward massively.

This news comes following that of the BNB chain and its active efforts to introduce cryptocurrency as a formal means of education. The smart contract platform, owned by Binance had announced a partnership with the University of Zurich to make this possible. It will consist of a three-day program that will give the students an exact idea of several blockchain industry familiar topics.

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About the Cryptocurrency Course by Uni of Cincinnati

The sudden change in curriculum is due to generous help from two major supporters of the university, called Woodrow Uible and Dan Kautz. The benefactors have been an integral part of the growth of the university for a long time.

Woodrow Uible said that blockchain and the underlying application of cryptocurrency being cutting edge of management and business innovation should be considered important. He states that it was important for the students to be aware of the technological changes around them.

The University is planning on introducing two courses with цриптоцурренци as their core. Both courses will be available for students in the Carl H, Lindner Business College.

The complete faculty and resources required for the same shall be arranged and made available eventually. The donations from Dan and Woodrow will go towards the establishment of the complete course as well as a fully equipped lab area for students to learn more about the concepts. The “public-private” lab is set to be named after the two donors itself and will be called the Kautz-Uible Cryptoeconomics Lab. It will also feature a functional mining rig as well.

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The president of Cincinnati University said that this lab could bring about potential partnerships and factors that can benefit the growth of the university. Professors at the university too were excited about the upgrade and introduction of a new category that will help the students progress more. They believe that being involved and learning about the sector can help them immensely in finding jobs as the cryptocurrency industry grows even more.


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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/cincinnati-university-to-introduce-cryptocurrency-into-the-curriculum