Цирцле негира да је СЕЦ послала било какво Велсово обавештење

Цирцле, који емитује УСДЦ стабилцоин, негирао је да је примио Велсово обавештење. То порицање је забележено у твиту ОЦД Данте Диспарте на Феб. КСНУМКС.

Диспарте је написао:

„Круг није добио Велсово обавештење.“

Раније данас су се појавиле непоткријепљене гласине које сугеришу да је америчка Комисија за хартије од вредности послала Велсово обавештење Цирцлеу. Уручење таквог обавештења значило би да регулатор планира да почне са принудном принудном принудом против компаније.

Those rumors were primarily spread by FOX Business reporter Eleanor Terret, whose account has since been removed from Twitter. Terret said:

I went with the word of several trusted sources on this. I apologize for the mistake.

Another Twitter account operating as AP_Abacus was also tagged in Terret’s original tweet. Though AP_Abacus previously suggested that Circle faced regulatory action from the SEC based on his own private sources, it is unclear whether Terret tagged AP_Abacus to cite him as a source or to provide further backing to his statements.

Circle’s denial does not necessarily mean that the SEC will not begin enforcement against the firm — but it seems to make that possibility less imminent.

The rumors appear to have been prompted by recent NYDFS action against Paxos, which forced the company to halt the issuance of its Стаблецоин Бинанце УСД (БУСД).. Paxos may also face action from the SEC as it has reportedly received a Wells notice.

Correction: Updated to reflect that the SEC has not yet taken action against Paxos.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/circle-denies-that-sec-sent-any-wells-notice/