Цоинбасе објављује листинг СтепН дуал токена, ГМТ и ГСТ

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Trading on StepN’s dual tokens will begin on Thursday, April 28 

Coinbase assets Twitter (an official account that announces the listing of intending assets to be listed on Coinbase) has revealed that two StepN tokens (GMT and GST) will be listed on the popular crypto exchange. However, it added that these tokens would be listed with the experimental label.


StepN is a move-to-earn project built on the Binance and Solana network by a team of Chinese blockchain developers. The tweet also revealed that P2P transfers of the assets are available on the Coinbase exchange in areas that support such trades.

However, trading on these assets will start this Thursday by 9 am PT unless liquidity terms are not met. If the liquidity conditions are met, the following trade pairs will be available; GST-USD, GMT-USD, GST-USDT, and GST-USDT. However, not all the trade pairs will be available at once.

The announcement also suggested that users must not send the GMT and GST assets over other networks as these assets are solely supported on the Solana network. The values of these tokens are expected to surge sporadically after the Coinbase listing, as is often the case with the listing of tokens on the Coinbase exchange.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/04/27/coinbase-announces-the-listing-of-stepn-dual-tokens-gmt-and-gst/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=coinbase-announces-the-listing-of-stepn-dual-tokens-gmt-and-gst