Цоинбасе извештава о проблемима са америчким корисницима који депонују и повлаче из банака

Coinbase has released a statement saying it is working to fix issues preventing the exchange users from processing transactions from US banks.

Earlier today, the exchange users experienced problems leading to failures for ACH withdrawals, deposits, and buys. The exchange has now acknowledged the issue and says it is investigating.

Цоинбасе изјава гласи:

„Тренутно нисмо у могућности да примамо уплате или вршимо повлачења са банковних рачуна у САД. Наш тим је свестан овог проблема и ради на томе да се све врати у нормалу што је пре могуће.”

The exchange has also recommended that users should try alternatives such as a ПаиПал рачун or debit card if they want to make direct buys on their account in the meantime.

It appears that ACH transfers are not the only issues currently affecting Coinbase. Users have also complained about other issues on Twitter, asking when they would be solved.

Users reveal other challenges

Several users complained that no one has been able to use солана on Coinbase, and a user тврди that a transaction made on October 1 is still stuck.

У међувремену, други корисник жалио се that they have not been able to use their Coinbase cards for paying bills and asked when they would be resolved.

A user, John Morina, рекао:

I just don’t understand how CB is CONSTANTLY having difficulties, not just with ACH payments, but EVERYTHING is always breaking. It seems like you use bandaids and bailing wire to fix everything.

Ажурирање од Coinbase Status shows that the US bank payments issue has now been identified, and they are currently implementing a fix. The exchange stated that it was looking into the other issues raised by users.

Недавно, Цоинбасе акције суочен selling pressure after Wells Fargo revealed that the exchange faces increased competition from the likes of FTX and Бинанце.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/coinbase-report-issues-with-u-s-users-with-banks/