Компанија иза Тетхер-а (УСДТ) лансира нови стабилцоин везан за мексички пезо

The firm behind Tether (USDT) is adding another fiat currency-pegged token to its stable of international stablecoins.

Према нови Саопштење, Tether Limited, the Hong Kong-based company behind the largest stablecoin by market cap, has started issuing MXNT, a new token pegged 1:1 to the Mexican Peso.

Цитирајући подаци from crypto payments company TripleA, Tether says that the usage of digital assets in Mexico is ramping up, thus creating demand for a stablecoin like MXNT.

“Forty percent of Mexican companies are looking to adopt blockchain and cryptocurrencies in some form making Mexico a prime location for the next Latin American crypto hub.

The multibillion-dollar flow of remittances into Mexico and the difficulties involved with money transfers, have created a unique opportunity for stablecoin usage and adoption. The creation of MXNT puts Mexican Peso on the blockchains and provides a faster, less costly option for asset transfers.”

Initially, the new token will have support from leading smart contract platform Ethereum (ETH) and rival blockchains Tron (TRX) and Полигон (МАТИЦ).

MXNT will join Tether Limited’s repertoire of fiat-pegged currencies which include dollar-pegged Tether itself, Euro-pegged Еуро Тетхер (EURT) and the Chinese Yuan-pegged CNHT.

Says Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Tether,

“We have seen a rise in cryptocurrency usage in Latin America over the last year that has made it apparent that we need to expand our offerings.

Увођење стабилног цоин-а везаног за пезос ће обезбедити складиште вредности за оне на тржиштима у развоју, а посебно у Мексику. МКСНТ може минимизирати волатилност за оне који желе да конвертују своју имовину и инвестиције из фиат у дигиталне валуте.

Tether customers in this entirely new market will be able to benefit from the same transparent customer experience.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/k_yu/Natalia Siiatovskaia
