Цонфлук преузима водећу улогу у Веб3 иновацијама на Кинеском међународном сајму индустрије

Shanghai, China, October 12th, 2023, Chainwire

The 23rd China International Industry Fair (CIIF) held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai brought together the world’s industrial leaders, showcasing cutting-edge innovations from across the globe. Conflux Network stood out as the exclusive representative of Web3 technology, highlighting Conflux’s significance in the evolving landscape of blockchain and decentralized technologies.

CIIF, renowned as the longest-running national-level industrial exhibition, spanned five days and encompassed nine specialized exhibition areas. More than 2,800 enterprises from 30 countries and regions worldwide participated. The event unveiled nearly a thousand new technologies and products, marking a monumental step toward global industrial innovation and collaboration.

Conflux was the sole Web3 representative at CIIF as it has carved a unique niche focused on the foundational aspects of Web3 technology. This specialized commitment sets Conflux apart, positioning it at the forefront of Web3 innovations on a global stage.

While at CIIF, Conflux led a blockchain forum centered around ‘Connecting the Future’ which served as a platform to spotlight Conflux’s advancements, potential, and vision. It not only showcased current achievements but also projected the forward-looking aspirations of the Web3 community.

Web3, with its decentralized, transparent, and secure features, has emerged as a cornerstone of modern industry and commerce. For China, embracing these transformative technologies ensures its continued leadership in the global industrial landscape. Projects like Conflux, dedicated to foundational Web3 technologies, play a pivotal role in driving this alignment.

In an era of increasing global interconnectivity, understanding China’s emphasis on web3 and projects like Conflux provides insights into future trends, potential collaborations, and competitive landscapes for stakeholders in North America and Europe. Recognizing the significance of these developments ensures they can effectively navigate and participate in the evolving global digital economy.

Conflux CTO Ming Wu said “Conflux is strengthening its integration with traditional industries and commerce. This will enable Web3 to play a greater role in the global industry. In this way, Conflux is contributing to the mass adoption of Web3.”

О Цонфлуку

Цонфлук Нетворк је блок ланац нивоа 1 без дозволе који повезује децентрализоване економије преко граница и протокола. Недавно пребачен на хибридни ПоВ/ПоС консензус, Цонфлук пружа брзо, безбедно и скалабилно окружење блок ланца без загушења, ниских накнада и побољшане безбедности мреже.

Као једини јавни блоцкцхаин усклађен са прописима у Кини, Цонфлук пружа јединствену предност за изградњу и ширење пројеката у Азији. Цонфлук је сарађивао са глобалним брендовима и владиним субјектима у региону на иницијативама блокчејна и метаверзума, укључујући град Шангај, МцДоналд'с Цхина и Орео.

Users can Learn more by visiting Conflux Network’s official website: https://confluxnetwork.org/


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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2023/10/conflux-takes-the-lead-in-web3-innovation-at-china-international-industry-fair