ЦРВ графикон наговештава могућност пада пре него што цена достигне 1.5 долара

Curve Plummets To 16-Mth Low

Објављено пре 17 сати

Данас, Крива Дао (ЦРВ) recovery rally attempted to knock out another resistance of $1.5. However, the intense supply pressure undermined the buyers’ effort, suggesting the altcoin needed another pullback before it reclaimed this level. but how far would this retracement go? 

Кључне тачке:

  • The CRV price is currently grappling with a $1.5 hurdle
  • The 20-and-50-day EMA provides a bullish crossover
  • Унутардневни обим трговања ЦРВ токеном је 396.6 милиона долара, што указује на пад од 23.6%.

ЦРВ/УСДТ графиконИзвор- Традингвиев

ЦРВ / УСДТ technical chart showcased a V-shaped recovery rally in the daily time frame chart. This bull run accounted for a 160% gain as the coin price hit the monthly resistance of the $1.5 mark.

Throughout this rally, the CRV buyers have breached multiple in-between resistances, suggesting a stained bullish recovery. Furthermore, earlier today, the altcoin displayed a nearly 10% gain and attempted another leg up with the breakout of $1.5 resistance.

However, the exhausted buyers couldn’t hold above this level for long, resulting in a long-wick rejection candle. If the selling pressure persists and the CRV price gives a candlestick closing below the $1.5 mark, the altcoin may witness another correction.

The expected retracement may retest to $1.29 or $1 support before rallying again. Moreover, a bullish crossover between the 20-and-50-day EMA near the $1 mark suggests strong support and better positioned to continue the prevailing recovery.

On a contrary note, a breakdown from the $1 support would indicate the weakness in bullish commitment and may plunge the CRV price to $0.862.

Техничка анализа

Индикатор вртлога: A significant gap between the VI+ and VI- slopes under bullish alignment accentuates a genuine bull run. However, the indicator slopes show bearish divergence concerning the last three higher highs, bolstering the pullback theory.

АДКС индикатор: the ADX slope rising along with CRV price highlights growth in bullish momentum

  • Нивои отпора - 0.1.3 и 0.1.52 долара
  • Нивои подршке - $1 и 0.86

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Затвори причу

Source: https://coingape.com/markets/crv-price-analysis-crv-chart-hints-dip-opportunity-before-price-hit-1-5/