Крива ДАО, Солана, ФТКС драстично пада

Цене криптовалута данас:

After having 3 days of trading positively the Црипто prices seems to be getting in the sluggish zone again. All the major coins have been trading in the red. Curve DAO Token is trading low by 7.78%. Solana is down by 6.27% in the last 24 hours. FTX fell by 5.52%. The two largest cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum had a setback of 2.10% and 3.56% respectively.

The crypto prices has been down this month following the collapse of a major exchange FTX. However, the market started seeing some signs of recovery as coins started trading on the green by Thursday. The crypto market has sharply fallen by 2.61% in the last 24 hours. Its global market cap is $819.87 billion.

The Biggest Losers As The Market Go Down

Huobi Token has dipped by approximately 11% with the price of each token at $6.45, thus, recording a huge loss.

Хуоби Токен
Извор: цоинмаркетцап

The sports token Chiliz is also down by 6.93% despite the football world cup going on. Litecoin is downwards by 6.63% and stands at $71.68.

Dogecoin, which got a double-digit pump on Black Friday is also down by approximately 3%. The sports token, ARG has taken a massive dip of 14.49%, despite the ongoing FIFA World Cup. The sports token were predicted to get a boom as Crypto.com is the official sponsor. Nevertheless, it seems that the sports token are not having benefits.

Coins Trading In Green

There are a few coins that are trading in the green. The crypto token Celo is up by 15.53%, making it the biggest gainer in the last 24 hours, and is at $0.649. ApeCoin is second on the list with a jump of 3.67%. Neutrino USD is up by 2.27%, with each coin at $0.9397.

Схоуриа је крипто фанатик који је развио интересовање за пословно новинарство у последњих неколико година. Тренутно, радећи као писац са Цоингапеом, Схоуриа је такође страствени читалац. Осим што пише, можете је наћи и да присуствује емисијама поезије, истражује кафиће и гледа крикет. Како каже, „пси су мој дом“, њено прво спасавање пса било је са 7 година! Стално се залагала за ментално здравље и дугини понос.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/crypto-prices-today-curve-dao-solana-ftx-falls-drastically-eth-bitcoin-joins/