Број дневних корисника ДАпп-а скочио је на 2.4 милиона у првом кварталу 1. упркос ударним ветровима

Према новом индустријском извештају који је објавио ДаппРадар, број корисника који се ангажују у децентрализованим апликацијама, или ДАппс, сваки дан је порастао за 396% у односу на претходну годину на 2.4 милиона. Ово је само 5.8% испод истог нивоа активности корисника који је забележен у К4 2021.

The overall growth was impressive, considering that during the quarter, the cryptocurrency sector saw a short-lived bear market, as well as experiencing $1.19 billion in decentralized finance, or DeFi, hacks, and exploits.

Two of the worst affected token bridge protocols were that of Ronin and Wormhole. Last month, Axie Infinity’s Ronin Bridge was breached for over $600 million after an attacker used hacked private keys to forge fake withdrawals. Meanwhile, the Wormhole protocol изгубио 321 милиона долара via a minting exploit in February. Though, in a rather heroic move, venture capital firm Jump Crypto dug into its own wallets and replenished the lost funds. 

In addition, the staff at DappRadar wrote:

“The first quarter of 2022 had its ups and downs but was tainted by the war in Ukraine. This was one of the biggest events since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis that shook world markets and had a negative effect on the industry.”

Number of Unique Active Wallets Interacting with DApps | Извор: ДаппРадар

Gaming DApps accounted for over 50% of all user activity in Q1 2022. Simultaneously, nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, generated $12 billion in trades despite warnings of a bubble. In terms of DeFi total value locked, Ethereum (ETH) once again held the top spot with $127 billion, followed by Terra Luna (LUNA) на 29 милијарде долара и БНБ Chain at $13 billion.