Деатон сумња да ће СЕЦ тужити Бинанце.УС

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The SEC filed a limited objection to Binance.US’s acquisition of Voyager assets.

Attorney John Deaton has said he suspects that the US Securities and Exchange Commission will soon launch legal action against the US arm of the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume.

Deaton, who represents XRP holders as a friend of the court in the SEC case against Ripple, said this in a tweet today in response to the SEC’s filing of a limited objection to Binance.US’s acquisition of Voyager assets. According to the attorney, it could be a precursor to a lawsuit against the crypto exchange.

“Unfortunately, I suspect this is a sign of a future lawsuit,” Deaton said, quoting a tweet disclosing the development.

Recall that the CryptoLaw founder предвидео that the SEC would soon move against a crypto exchange last July. Notably, the attorney поновио this prediction in a recent Twitter thread as he asserted that the SEC had been emboldened by its victory against LBRY and the FTX collapse.

As highlighted above, the SEC filed a limited objection to Binance.US’s acquisition of Voyager assets yesterday. The regulator expressed dissatisfaction with Binance.US’s disclosure statement per a CoinDesk извештај raising questions about how the crypto exchange planned to finance the deal valued at $1.02 billion.

Треба напоменути да, као разјашњено by Тхе Црипто Басиц, citing a Forbes report, Binance.US is only paying $20 million to acquire the customer accounts. Notably, the $1 billion represents the value of the user assets, which Binance will distribute to Voyager customers if the deal pushes through and the court approves the rate at which Voyager should compensate customers.

Binance.US lawyers have agreed to submit a revised disclosure statement before the next hearing. Notably, the court will hold a hearing today where Voyager will request approval to sell its assets.

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odricanje: Садржај је само у информативне сврхе, може укључивати лично мишљење аутора и не одражава нужно мишљење ТхеЦриптоБасиц-а. Све финансијске инвестиције, укључујући криптовалуте, носе значајан ризик, тако да увек урадите комплетно истраживање пре улагања. Никада не улажите новац који не можете себи приуштити да изгубите; аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш финансијски губитак или добит.

Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/01/05/deaton-suspects-that-the-sec-will-sue-binance-us/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=deaton-suspects-that-the-sec-will-sue-binance-us