Дигитал Зодиац Хеадс Сурфаце на АпеНФТ Маркетплаце-у

[Singapore – April 12, 2022] – H.E. Justin Sun, the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Grenada to the WTO & Founder of ТРОН, purchased the complete set of “Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads.”

The one-of-a-kind NFT art collection, on March 31 for over $1.5 million at the Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads Special Auction hosted by Metapoly XM, a brand under Poly Auction (Xiamen).

У партнерству са АПЕНФТ Маркетплаце-ом, Сун ће навести Монкеи Хеад НФТ из колекције „Твелве Дигитал Зодиац Хеадс” као први НФТ колекционарски предмет за продају након лансирања АПЕНФТ Маркетплаце Маиннет мреже 15. априла у 8:XNUMX СГТ.

Twelve Digital Zodiac Heads

АПЕНФТ планира да постави почетну цену на 666 ВТРКС. Највећи понуђач ће кући однети вредну Монкеи Хеад НФТ.

During the auction, the top three highest bidders on each day will also be rewarded with a Regular Genesis NFT. Bidders stand a chance to receive extra bonuses offered by APENFT Marketplace.

The highest bidder will be awarded a Legendary Genesis NFT; the second-highest bidder recorded when the auction concludes will receive an exclusive Monkey Head-themed Epic Genesis NFT; the third-highest bidder will earn a WIN NFT HORSE NFT-themed Zodiac Animal Head.

По први пут, ретко уметничко дело у дигиталном облику дебитоваће у аукцијској сали децентрализованог света.

One of the animal heads will also be introduced as a rare, special-breed horse in WIN NFT HORSE, a horse racing game co-launched by the APENFT Foundation and WINkLink on the ТРОН блоцкцхаин.

Мајмунска глава НФТ има значајну симболичку вредност у кинеској култури, јер мајмуни представљају интелигенцију и побуну. Комбинација Монкеи Хеад НФТ-а и АПЕНФТ Маркетплаце-а означава деби древних уметничких дела у децентрализованом свету.

Digital art is among the industry’s hottest trends this year, with many art forms expanding their presence into NFTs. People have begun shifting their focus to the artistic experience in digital spaces and exhibitions.

Auctions of digital art are becoming an integral part of today’s auction market. Since 2021, major auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s have hosted multiple stand-alone sales for digital art, all racking up impressive interest and revenue.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important symbol of Chinese culture and mythology. Every newborn is assigned an auspicious animal based on their birth year.

These animals are unchangeable marks that follow each Chinese throughout their life. They serve as a bond to maintain national pride and connection to their shared Chinese heritage. The twelve Стара летња палата бронзане главе су најређи међу свим физичким отелотворењима ових симбола.

As a trailblazer in digital technology, Sun also has a heavy influence in the realm of top-notch art collections. Through clinching a myriad of artworks by both traditional masters and emerging NFT artists on major trading platforms, Sun has managed to build an impressive portfolio incorporating art, investment, finance, and more.

His collections include works by Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Giacometti, Beeple, and Pak, the latter two being the two most valuable crypto artists worldwide. 

Поред тога, Сун је донирао бројне добро познате радове, укључујући Ле Нез и Фемме нуе цоуцхее ау цоллиер (Марие-Тхересе), организацијама као што је АПЕНФТ фондација да подрже развој НФТ уметности. 

Кроз ову аукцију, АПЕНФТ Маркетплаце има за циљ да урони више људи у модерност дигитализоване традиционалне уметности, стварајући једно поглавље у историји блокчејна.


Officially registered in Singapore on March 29, 2021, APENFT is backed by the underlying technology of the TRON blockchain, with additional support from the world’s largest distributed storage system Додато File System (BTFS).

At the core of its mission, APENFT aims to facilitate the creator economy while catalyzing financial and cultural inclusion in the metaverse. Its vision is to integrate both the virtual and the real worlds seamlessly.

APENFT Foundation is the world’s first NFT art foundation that realizes crossover purchases. It aims to bridge conversations between stakeholders in the traditional art world and the digital art community emerging around NFTs, promote inclusiveness and diversity, broaden its multimedia audience, and increase all members’ engagement.

In the future, its collection will be made available to the entire community through a series of curated online exhibitions in the metaverse.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/digital-zodiac-heads-surface-on-apenft-marketplace/