ДОМИНО ДЕКС од АББЦ фондације је ту да донесе врхунско искуство у П2П трговању

На јула КСНУМКС, АББЦ фондација successfully launched its decentralized exchange (DEX) ‘DOMINO’. This DEX aims to be the most secure, transparent, and unique next-generation platform to provide users with the most exceptional experience. New features are coming to the platform shortly after the launch.

ABBC Foundation CEO Jason Daniel spoke about DOMINO’s goals and its contribution to the ABBC ecosystem:


„Наш циљ је да нашим присталицама АББЦ-ја пружимо беспрекорно децентрализовано искуство трговања кроз сигурну, поуздану размену без грешке. ДОМИНО је веома важан додатак АББЦ екосистему, који ће променити начин рада децентрализованих размена. То је платформа прилагођена кориснику са минималном накнадом и без регистрације, што је чини јединственом." 

Following the launch, the DOMINO team mentioned that special platform features will be introduced soon. Notably, the list of initial cryptocurrency trading pairs will be announced shortly on DOMINO’s official social media accounts. Additionally, ABBC Foundation’s partners will find a convenient way to list their tokens in DOMINO.

DOMINO’s primary feature is its ability to facilitate cryptocurrency trading and swapping for a relatively low fee. In addition, ABBC Foundation anticipates that it is going to change the user experience and make trading easier and smoother. The decentralized exchange can also be used without the hassle of sign-up.

Moreover, ABBC Foundation believes that DOMINO’s trustless and P2P trading will provide a borderless experience 24/7 to the crypto savvies all around the world. As per DOMINO DEX’s official Телеграм канал, крипто трговање на платформи ће бити безбедно и без напора.

Како криптовалуте постају широко распрострањене, централизоване и децентрализоване размене become extremely popular. A DEX, however, has the advantage of eliminating the need for a mediator. There is no third party involved to provide a trustless experience. Furthermore, security-conscious users choose a DEX like DOMINO because it gives them complete control over their assets.

О АББЦ фондацији

ABBC Foundation is the organization that maintains the best interests of ABBC Coin. Based in Dubai, the foundation utilizes its strategic location—being at the epicenter of blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption – to pave the way for the future of payment security.


Домино is the latest addition to the suite of platforms that ABBC Foundation is offering. It is a decentralized exchange that enables users to trade cryptocurrency without the need to sign up. Users will also be able to trade directly by connecting their cryptocurrency wallet to the platform.

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/07/domino-dex-by-abbc-foundation-is-here-to-bring-premium-p2p-trading-experience