Дубаи изабран за земаљску фазу 1 Евердомеовог Метаверсе путовања

Dubai Chosen For The Earth-based Phase 1 of Everdome's Metaverse Journey




The mission will be launched in the gorgeous mountainous region of Hatta in Dubai, UAE, according to Everdome, the most hyper-realistic metaverse. Users may get a taste of what’s to come by exploring the spawn and launch chambers, as well as wide views of the launch site brought to life by the Unreal Engine 5-powered game.

Everdome will open in three phases during 2022, taking participants on a voyage from Earth to Mars. The pre-launch phase, which takes place in Hatta, allows viewers to visit the launch room and learn more about space exploration and the adventure ahead. The Everdome voyage is continued in Phases 2 and 3, from mission launch and living aboard the ship to landing and settling on Mars.

Евердомеов циљ је да подстакне масовно усвајање метаверзума стварањем игре која је доступна и разумљива, па је изабрао Дубаи, једну од најпознатијих туристичких локација на свету, као место лансирања.

“Our goal is to introduce the metaverse to the public in a way that it can be understood by everyone. We’re making considered decisions to open the metaverse gateway as wide as possible, removing as many accessibility limitations as we can. One way we’re doing this is by setting the launch phase in Dubai’s Hatta region. As a global landmark for tourism, innovation, and space exploration, Dubai was a natural choice for Everdome’s Phase 1.” – said Rob Gryn, CEO and Founder of Everdome and Metahero.

Everdome is establishing very effective yet accessible avenues for metaverse advertising in addition to creating a super-immersive – and free to play – world for consumers. Through the Everdome launch room, Phase 1 provides a good introduction platform for brands and companies wishing to expand their consumer involvement into the metaverse sphere.




„Оглашавање у метаверзуму пружа прилику за још дубљи ниво повезаности са тренутним и потенцијалним потрошачима“, додао је Грин. „Ово је следећа граница ангажовања купаца, и нема времена попут садашњег да почнемо да се гранамо у метаверзуму.“  

Everdome will be built on Unreal Engine 5 and will feature the talents and vision of renowned concept artists, game creators, 3D designers, Hollywood VFX specialists, urban planning professionals, a development team that has been delivering graphics and effects for more than a decade, and a marketing team that has already found boundless success in a variety of industries.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/dubai-chosen-for-the-earth-based-phase-1-of-everdomes-metaverse-journey/