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If you’re looking to elevate your portfolio into the stratosphere and hopefully take you into the next level of wealth, you’re in the right place. There are still plenty of opportunities to make money in the crypto space, despite overall market conditions. You just have to be careful in selecting the right coins.

That’s because for every new project that goes onto huge successes, there are even more that sink without a trace. But if you do the right research, listen to industry experts and focus on the right projects—there’s still a ton of potential to make a huge amount of money out there. And experts recently picked 3 top crypto ideas that are still in their infancy. These give you the perfect opportunity to invest in a project while it’s still new, and hopefully ride the upside all the way to the top. Unlike getting into BTC or ETH right now, you might not be too late to the party with Uniglo (GLO, Stacks (STX) and BitTorrent (BTT).

Унигло (ГЛО)

Uniglo is perhaps one of the most interesting projects we’ve seen in the space for some time. The highly-credible team behind it have created a completely deflationary token that’s both asset-backed and community-driven. This makes it well placed to solve the world’s inflation problems, and gives people a solid base coin price that they can have faith in. With full 1:1 asset backing in a range of diversified products, GLO isn’t reliant on any one product for success. All of these credentials and more make Uniglo the future of digital finance, and now could be the perfect time to invest.

Стацкс (СТКС)

Stacks introduces a new way to earn Bitcoin with stacking, a revolutionary concept that makes it easy to benefit from smart contracts for newcomers. The Stacks network has a range of solutions for the DeFI space, including app development options, NFTs and more. Experts like Stacks’ innovative range of solutions and think they could become an even bigger part of the crypto space over the coming months. That’s why it’s recommended for your portfolio.

БитТоррент (БТТ)

BitTorrent have created a tokenized way to help the file-sharing world. You may have already used BitTorrent as your torrent platform of choice, and BTT supports a range of different decentralized file sharing solutions. As real-world use for different blockchain tech increases, BTT could be at the forefront.


Now could be the perfect time to invest in GLO, STX and BTT. They all help improve the crypto landscape, and could have a big part in its future growth.

Сазнајте више овде:

Придружите се претпродаји:  https://presale.uniglo.io/register 

Сајт:  https://uniglo.io 

телеграм: https://t.me/GloFoundation

Дискорд:  https://discord.gg/a38KRnjQvW 

Твиттер:  https://twitter.com/GloFoundation1

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/07/elevate-yourself-to-the-next-level-of-wealth-unigloio-glo-stacks-stx-and-bittorrent-btt-show-huge-potential