Омогућавање масовног усвајања криптовалуте путем апликација из стварног живота

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LYOPAY (LYO) envisions a world where cryptocurrencies are used as the primary currency. Therefore, LYOPAY has made it its mission to create easy-to-use and accessible tools that enable the mass adoption of cryptocurrency in daily life. Established in 2020, LYOPAY focuses on initiating crypto applications that serve diverse real-life use cases and support the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Currently, the widespread use of cryptocurrencies is limited by complex new technology, lack of practical application, government regulations, and security issues. LYOPAY offers a multi-platform solution to this issue through its financial technology ecosystem of services through different platforms which connect users with technological tools to enable the use of cryptocurrency intuitively and simply. In this way, LYOPAY can bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and traditional currency and promote the mass adaptation of crypto so users can make the most out of their wallets.

LYO Credit (LYO) is the native token of the LYOPAY ecosystem and is the key component of all its services and platforms. LYO is built for multiple real-life use cases and diversified purchase utility, giving confidence in its usability to counter the well-known volatility of crypto assets solely as an investment.

LYO Token Overview

Token name: LYO Credit (LYO)

Укупна понуда: 250,000,000

Укупан тираж: 87,193,912.18

Цоинсторе.цом Листинг

Trading pair: LYO/USDT

Време трговине: ТБА

Време повлачења: ТБА

What are the pillars of the LYO ecosystem?

LYOPAY aims to achieve global coverage and give people all over the world cryptocurrency payment services which extend into several categories: crypto exchange, a payment gateway for business, a neobank, travel booking, and more. Its strategy is to leverage payment solutions as the primary tool for driving adoption and user acquisition while simultaneously building trading and financial service solutions as major revenue sources.

LYOPAY provides a wide range of applications that are enabled by partnerships with multiple service providers and financial partners across multiple countries.

These services form the LYOPAY ecosystem, as seen below:


What are the utilities of the LYO token?

  • LYO Credit is the fuel that drives the entire LYOPAY ecosystem, including its several service platforms.
  • LYO is the utility token of the LYOPAY ecosystem applications and can be used for payment transitions in all of its platforms.
  • The LYO token can be used for staking or trading with other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.
  • LYO also functions as a utility to reward users for successfully completing tasks on its various platforms.

LYOPAY Official Media

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О Цоинсторе.цом

Основани 2020. године од стране искусних Финтецх професионалаца са неких од најпознатијих крипто берзи, Цоинсторе.цом је окупио преко 180 запослених широм света, опслужујући више од 1.8 милиона регистрованих корисника у 175 земаља. Цоинсторе.цом пружа глобалним корисницима брзе, глатке и безбедне услуге трговања криптовалутама, пословање деривата, ОТЦ услуге и НФТ услуге.

Као водећи глобални провајдер финансијске инфраструктуре и технологије у области крипто економије, Цоинсторе.цом има за циљ да постане преферирана платформа за трговање криптовалутама и провајдер дигиталних услуга широм света.

Цоинсторе.цом Контакт за медије

Сонг Иуцхен, директор маркетинга | [емаил заштићен]

Бомми Хуа, менаџер маркетинга | [емаил заштићен]

Џенифер Лу, суоснивач | [емаил заштићен]

Цоинсторе.цом Друштвени медији

вебсајт | Twitter | Дискорд | Телеграм дискусиона група

инстаграм | иоутубе | ТикТок | фацебоок | Средњи

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/12/06/lyopay-lyo-enabling-mass-adoption-of-cryptocurrency-through-real-life-applications/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lyopay-lyo-enabling-mass-adoption-of-cryptocurrency-through-real-life-applications