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Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney has confirmed that his firm has no interest in forcing any decisions on its users.

In a move that appeals to the NFT community, Epic Games have announced it will not be banning non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This move follows after Minecraft developers, Microsoft’s Mojang Studios, decided to ban NFTs on Wednesday. Although Minecraft says its decision was informed by the risks of exclusion and scams linked to NFTs, all of which go against the principle of the game.

‘We Won’t Follow Suit,’ Epic Games CEO Affirms

Meanwhile, Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney has confirmed that his firm has no interest in forcing any such decisions on its users. His comments follow after a Twitter user suggested that Epic Games will follow Minecraft’s lead. The user, identified as DicklessRichard had Рекао Sweeney to delete every last one of such games that have NFTs in them, from the store.

In his response, Sweeney said, albeit authoritatively that there’ll be no such thing. He wrote (написано) Делимично:

„Програмери би требало да буду слободни да одлучују како да праве своје игре, а ви сте слободни да одлучите да ли да их играте… Ми дефинитивно нећемо.”

It should be noted, however, that Sweeney’s company is not exactly advocating for NFTs. The creator of the world-famous battle royal game Fortnite, just wishes to sit on the fence on this matter.

Gaming Might Not Be the Same

Notably, the effect of Mojang Studios’s NFT ban is already being felt in the world of gaming. And a major project bearing the brunt of the ban already is NFT Worlds. But this is because of nothing other than the fact it was built on one of Minecraft’s open-source servers.

Since the news of the ban, the floor price of NFTs on the community-centered play-to-earn (P2E) platform has dwindled significantly.  As of publication, they have gone from 3.33 ETH to 1.01 ETH. Also, its native token WRLD is down by 55%.

It is not exactly clear what NFT Worlds team intends to do following Mojang’s announcement. However, their options include migrating to a GameFi platform. Essentially, the team confirms that efforts are in motion to come up with a solution to the problem on hand.

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Source: https://www.coinspeaker.com/epic-games-against-banning-nfts/