ЕКИФи излаже Веб2 играче $ЕККС кроз партнерство са гамер-лоиа…

President Joe Biden said Americans would gain control over inflation in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes.” It’s clear by now, however, that inflation has become a problem, and not only in the U.S.

Consumers have become accustomed in recent months to reading headlines akin to: “UK real wages decline as inflation soars” and “Turkey lowers interest rate even as inflation soars to 80%.” And, of course, inflation in the U.S. достигао 8.6% in May—the highest rate since 1982 and one of the highest rates in the world today. In response, consumers are adapting their spending habits and searching for novel ways to maximize the potential of their assets.

EQIFi answers their call, offering consumers a wide array of opportunities to earn yield through staking its native $EQX token and others. EQIFi now opens its platform to Buff gamers. The long-term partnership will focus on providing financial education to the community while teaching them how to invest in $EQX and grow their investment, accelerating financial growth using the entire product suite EQIFi has to offer.

“We are thrilled at the opportunity to partner up with Buff,” says Brad Yasar, CEO of EQIFi. “Esports and gaming have seen explosive growth in the past years. We look forward to empowering gamers with banking and financial services custom-tailored to their growing needs.”

The partnership will be kicked off with a Learn & Earn incentive, where Buff users will be explained how to use DeFi tools to level up their personal finances. The users will be given access to a series of content followed by short quizzes. As Buff’s community learns about EQIFi’s product suite, they will be rewarded in Buff points that can in turn be redeemed for gamer-centric items in the Buff marketplace.

ЕКИФи чини ДеФи доступним као и редовно онлајн банкарство, нудећи корисницима практичну платформу која укључује највећи низ финансијских услуга у ДеФи простору. Подржана од стране лиценциране банке, платформа својим клијентима пружа сигурност и сигурност која долази уз највиши ниво усклађености са прописима. Однос ЕКИФи-а са ЕКИБанком такође га учвршћује као један од најефикаснијих пролаза између ДеФи-ја и традиционалних финансија, пружајући својим корисницима модернизовану рампу за укључивање/искључивање крипто/фијата ради веће контроле над њиховим финансијама.

“The collaboration with EQIFi falls within Buff’s vision to appear in every gamer’s toolkit,” says  Elay de Beer, CEO of Buff Technologies ltd. “Buff wishes to expose its user base to a variety of new opportunities, including Web 3.0. Now, they’ll be able to explore this space and build their financial futures through the EQIFi’s suite of products.”

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Овај чланак је представљен само у информативне сврхе. Није понуђен нити намерава да се користи као правни, порески, инвестициони, финансијски или други савет.

Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/09/eqifi-exposes-web2-gamers-to-eqx-via-partnership-with-gamer-loyalty-platform-buff