Етхерсцан и ЦоинГецко истражују искачуће прозоре који циљају средства корисника

Coingecko and Etherscan have issued warnings about an ongoing phishing attack targeting users on their platforms. The firms said that these phishing attacks were done to access user funds.

Phishing attacks on MetaMask

Coingecko and Etherscan said they started investigating these phishing attacks following multiple reports from users claiming they were receiving pop-up notifications asking them to link their cryptocurrency wallets to the website.

The analytics firms also said that when users linked their crypto wallets to MetaMask on the attacker’s website, they lost a lot of funds. Etherscan also said that the attackers were able to feature these pop-up notifications using a third party. Therefore, it requested investors to avoid approving transactions made via MetaMask.

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Један корисник Твиттера напоменути that the platforms could have been targeted because of an exploit on Coinzilla. Coinzilla is an advertising and marketing agency that has reportedly been compromised, and all websites that use the service have been affected.

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“We’ve received reports of phishing pop-ups via a 3rd party integration and are currently investigating. Please be careful not to confirm any transactions that pop up on the website,” the Etherscan упозорење читати.

Coinzilla has yet to officially announce that its service has been compromised. However, there is growing concern that all companies with ad integration with Coinzilla will continue to be affected by these phishing attacks done using pop-ups. To prevent further attacks, Etherscan has discontinued Coinzilla integration on its website.

Bored Ape Yacht Club has also been targeted

Etherscan and CoinGecko are not the only crypto platforms targeted by the rising phishing attacks in the crypto sector. Earlier this month, there were concerns about increasing airdrop phishing scams targeting Ape NFT investors.

The BAYC team recently issued a warning to investors regarding an attack done after hackers managed to infiltrate their official Instagram account. The attack happened late last month when attackers managed to gain unauthorized access to the official Instagram account of BAYC.

The hackers then reached out to the BAYC Instagram followers asking them to follow a link to receive a fake airdrop. The link led to a scam website where users were requested to link their MetaMask wallets. Those who followed the prompts ended up suffering immense losses. It has been reported that around 100 NFTs were stolen after the hack on BAYC’s Instagram account.


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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/etherscan-and-coingecko-investigate-pop-ups-targeting-user-funds