Размене су сада спремне за Васил надоградњу

слика чланка

Алекс Довбња

Crypto exchanges have reached full readiness for the Vasil upgrade, which is expected to take place tomorrow

According to Tim Harrison, vice president of Community and Ecosystem at Input Output, exchange readiness by liquidity сада стоји at over 87% ahead of the Vasil upgrade.

The Cardano builder set the bar at the 25 top exchanges that represent roughly 80% of the ADA token’s liquidity.

As извештава У.Тодаи, Binance.US, a local subsidiary of cryptocurrency behemoth Binance, announced that it had integrated the Vasil hard fork earlier today.

The much-awaited upgrade is now scheduled to be implemented on Thursday, bringing significant improvements to one of the top proof-of-stake blockchains.


The ADA token is up 3.4% on the cusp of the high-stakes update, according to Подаци ЦоинМаркетЦап.

Source: https://u.today/cardano-exchanges-now-ready-for-vasil-upgrade