Садржи врхунске пројекте у Метаверсе

Конференција МетаВеек, која се одржава од 11. до 14. септембра 2022. године, пружиће ексклузивне увиде и дефинисати тренутне и будуће трендове развоја Метаверсе-а на Блиском истоку и глобално.

У организацији НекЦханге Гроуп, МетаВеек ће побећи од 11. до 14. септембра, 2022 у Дубаи. Професионалци из индустрије, власници предузећа, инвеститори, корпоративни играчи и владини званичници састаће се у хотелу Гранд Хиатт Дубаи на основном догађају ове недеље, МетаВеек Суммит, set for September 12-13.

Over the course of two days, the conference will cover the most discussed digital topics of the year: Metaverse development and design, Gamification and investment strategies, social impact and SDG deliverables through blockchain and Web 3.0, digital asset market and management, безбедност and accessibility, media brands paradigm shift and more.

Dubai has embarked upon a mission to become the global hub for Web 3.0 and Metaverse development and conquer the new economic frontiers, with big industry players from banking to city development tapping into the Metaverse space.

The Dubai Metaverse Strategy has picked up at a rapid pace, aiming at putting the city in the top ten metaverse economies of the world, supporting more than 40,000 virtual jobs by 2030, and adding USD4 billion to Dubai’s economy in five years.

Yousof Alsatom, Senior Manager Emerging Technology Consulting, Bosch: “There will be more demand and expectations from end customers to get digital services and product experience through Metaverse. Companies must be prepared and adapt their products and services to be compatible with the Metaverse. Web 3 can help to create a trusted network to achieve more transparency and traceability for product manufacturing. Web 3 adoption is moving slow, but it is increasing over time.”

But Metaverse not only affects the way people work and transform their business – it also engages with their mental health and spiritual needs and challenges. For several generations, large communities all over the world undergo a prominent reality check with the evolution of a new, sophisticated virtual realm.

“The virtual world is an area that can be analogous to the Spiritual world, where it is difficult to understand, to touch, smell, eat, and mold physically, yet, it exists,” says Dr. Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council of the Emirates, Rabbi, Association of Gulf Jewish Communities.

“It is only those minds and high intellects that can fathom such a reality, such a world that it only exists in the proverbial twilight zone. It is certainly a higher level of existence, a level where the power of our intellect can create it, mold it, transform it and give it eternal life. Thus the transition zone between mind and body, matter and spirit, lies within our own awareness.”

Serge Ajamian, Venture Partner, Centauri Digital Assets, Co-founder, JPEG Culture: “The Metaverse is not an open-world VR version of zoom. It is a fictionalized hyper-simulation of life, where everything has a value and everyone has a purpose.”

Једна од предности апликације Метаверсе за људе и компаније је високо повећан друштвени утицај, уношење „технологије за добро” и мењање живота људи, па чак и животне средине.

Mihaela Ulieru, Strategic Impact Leader, IOHK: “The Metaverse to me is a means to restart economics with the values that matter today: human flourishing and caring for the Planet.”

Apart from exciting on-site experiences at the Summit, MetaWeek participants and attendees will also enjoy high-level networking during the week’s side events: investor dinners, business breakfasts, and networking cocktails are included in the week’s schedule.

НекЦханге Гроуп је креатор предузећа и медијска платформа специјализована за Блоцкцхаин, Метаверсе, ФинТецх, ХеалтхТецх, АИ и паметне градове.

For more information on the registration, speakers, agenda, side events and partnerships, please visit the званична веб страница догађаја или контактирајте: [емаил заштићен]

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/metaweek-2022-dubai-featuring-top-notch-projects-in-metaverse/