Фиат Екцханге се смањио 5 пута за редом: Блок

Fiat exchange volumes fell for the fifth time in a row as September ended, according to The Block’s Data Dashboard.

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Among crypto exchanges that support fiat, ФТКС ranked highest in terms of volume in September with 24.6%, followed by Coinbase with 22.7 % and Upbit with 13%, the data showed.

While the August exchanges report showed $219 billion in total fiat exchange volume, the September report showed $210.6 billion, and the month-over-month change between the two months was -3.8%.

The months between May and June saw the largest decrease in the last five months with -20%.

The fall in crypto exchange volume and the broader crypto downturn have spurred many firms to execute layoffs in recent months.

In June, 18% of employees were laid off by crypto exchange Coinbase, and in the next month, Gemini did the same and cut its staff by 68 positions.

However, money flowing out of crypto-related funds has успорено.

A report from Bloomberg stated that the third quarter of 2022 has witnessed a slowdown in money flowing out of crypto-related funds.

У извештају се додаје да је успоравање могући знак да су се многи инвеститори можда већ повукли из класе ризичне имовине.

Подаци које је прикупио Блоомберг Интеллигенце показали су да су инвеститори повукли 17.6 милиона долара из фондова којима се тргује на крипто берзи у три месеца која се завршавају 30. септембра.

By September 30, that number had fallen below the record $683.4 million withdrawn from such funds in the second quarter, the data analysis showed.

According to the report, the past two months had witnessed the most outflows. Upwards of $200 million were сипао by investors into crypto ETFs in July.

Висок степен одлива у другом кварталу био је у вези са падом цена криптовалута. Највећа светска дигитална имовина заснована на тржишној вредности, bitcoin, пао је за скоро 60% током другог квартала 2022. године и 17,785. јуна забележио рекордно ниску вредност од 18 долара. Међутим, криптовалута је порасла за 3.7% у трећем кварталу.

Извор слике: Схуттерстоцк

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/fiat-exchange-volumes-down-5-times-in-a-row-the-block