Протокол ФлокиФи Лоцкера постаје масовно изложен јер РадиоСхацк наводи Флоки Ину

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Floki Inu (FLOKI) Partners with RadioShack to Use the Newly-Released FlokiFi Locker Protocol.

RadioShack Swap added support for Floki Inu. Floki’s first-ever partnership with RadioShack to boost the adoption of the newly-released, innovative crypto locker solution FlokiFi Locker protocol.


FLOKI is listed on the RadioShack platform with an aim to create a liquidity pool of $400,000, allocating $200,000 worth of FLOKI tokens from the Floki treasury and pairing these tokens with RADIO tokens. This pool will then be locked/burnt with the FlokiFi Locker.

Formerly, FLOKI teased the community with the launch of its first-ever utility protocol using the codename “Project L.” On July 31, FLOKI unveiled the curtain from the “Project L” secret and announced that it had launched a secure and innovative crypto locker solution, ФлокиФи Лоцкер, that allows crypto project developers and individuals to quickly and securely lock Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens, NFTs, and fungible tokens.

RadioShack is a U.S.-based popular retail corporation with 100 years of experience that recently pivoted into crypto with a strong focus on DeFi and an ambitious goal of dominating the DeFi industry. RadioShack is widely recognized in over 190 countries. At its peak, the global brand owned 4,300 stores and more than 2,000 independent franchises in North America, Latin America, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/08/05/flokifi-locker-protocol-gets-massive-exposure-as-radioshack-lists-floki-inu/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=flokifi-locker-protocol-gets-massive-exposure-as-radioshack-lists-floki-inu