ФТКС током расправе о стечају: значајна имовина украдена/нестала

FTX Bankruptcy Hearing News: The attorney representing FTX said during the bankruptcy hearing that a substantial amount of assets were stolen or missing. Attorney Bromley also said that unfortunately the FTX debtors were not particularly well run. In his opening remarks, the attorney described the FTX case as ‘unprecedented’. He further said top FTX executives including Сам Банкман-Фриед kept unreliable records.

„У новембру је дошло до напада на банку, а ФТКС контролише веома мала група људи, укључујући Сема Банкмана-Фрида, који је водио непоуздану евиденцију. Значајна количина имовине је или украдена или је нестала.”

Abrupt Collapse

Going forward, the main aim of FTX is to maximize assets to be able to return dues to investors. Bromley said maximization is a core objective, whether it means selling businesses or reorganizing businesses. Speaking about the FTX collapse during the особе, the attorney said it happened very quickly and was quite shocking. He also described the meltdown as “one of the most abrupt and difficult corporate collapses in the history of corporate America.”

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A Fraction Of FTX Employees Remain

Bromley also said that currently around 260 employees remain at the crypto exchange. In this context, the FTX Token (FTT) is trading at extremely low levels compared with October range of $22.50. As of writing, FTT price stands at $1.31, up 2.10% in the last 24 hours, according to price tracking platform ЦоинМаркетЦап.

On November 12, the FTX Group announced its decision to go for voluntary chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. The decision, FTX said, was aimed at systematically maximizing its assets for the benefit of investors. Along with the announcement came the stepping down of Sam Bankman-Fried from the role of CEO. John Ray has been appointed as the new FTX chief executive officer.

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Source: https://coingape.com/ftx-bankruptcy-hearing-substantial-assets-stolen-or-missing/