ФТКС је наложио да плати накнаде за рефундацију бахамским регулаторима

The bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX’s trouble continues to mount with each passing day, with the latest coming from the Bahamas, once its headquarters.

The Supreme Court of Bahamas issued an order in favor of the Securities Commission on Nov. 21, ordering the troubled crypto exchange to pay reimbursement fees to the regulator for holding its digital assets post its bankruptcy filing on Nov. 11.

The Supreme Court placed FTX’s digital assets under the supervision of the Securities Commission on Nov. 12. The commission, in its public notice, acknowledged the judgment and noted that all reimbursements would be done after approval from the Supreme Court. The official statement obtained by Cointelegraph read:

„Налог који је обезбеђен данас потврђује да Комисија има право на обештећење према закону и ФДМ ће на крају сносити трошкове које Комисија има у заштити те имовине у корист клијената и поверилаца ФДМ-а, на начин сличан другим нормалним трошковима администрирања ФДМ-а имовине у корист својих купаца и поверилаца.”

The Bahamian Securities Commission’s digital asset custody services for FTX also gave fuel to the conspiracies suggesting the commission was behind the hack of multiple FTX wallets. However, the fund transfer patterns of the black hat involved money laundering techniques, which eliminated the chances of a government body behind the hack.

Релатед: Руководиоци СБФ-а, ФТКС-а наводно троше милионе на некретнине на Бахамима

The FTX bankruptcy filing exposed several financial holes in the disgraced crypto exchange’s balance sheet. The exchange currently owes $3 billion to 50 of its biggest creditors, while the total list of creditors could exceed a million itself.

John Ray III, who oversaw the Enron bankruptcy proceedings, has been appointed as the new interim CEO of FTX and he didn’t hold back during the Chapter 11 filing. He described the situation as the worst he has seen in his corporate career, highlighting the “complete failure of corporate controls” and an absence of trustworthy financial information.