Близанци, ГУСД почињу да губе пратиоце јер су метрике достигле најниже вредности у времену

Глассноде податке анализира ЦриптоСлате показује да крипто берза са седиштем у САД Близанци и његов стабилни новац Гемини Доллар (ГУСД) почињу да губе следбенике и поверење заједнице јер показатељи падају на најниже вредности свих времена.

GUSD holders and exchange volumes

Број активних адреса које држе ГУСД се вратио на ниво из 2020. Графикон испод представља број активног новчаника од почетка 2019.

GUSD active addresses
GUSD active addresses

Број новчаника је почео да расте крајем 2020. и достигао скоро 1200 крајем 2021. Од тада су активне адресе које држе ГУСД пале за 91.6% и повукле се на 100 у јануару 2023.

Биланс БУСД-а на берзама такође је забележио значајан пад. Графикон испод показује стање БУСД на берзама од почетка 2019.

БУСД стање на берзама
БУСД стање на берзама

The BUSD volume on exchanges started to grow exponentially in July 2021 and breached 300 million in May 2022, just before the FTX collapse.

However, the BUSD volume started to record ups and downs after the FTX disaster and finally recorded a 96% decrease in January 2023, falling from around 260 million to just above 10 million.

Шта се догодило?

The name Gemini has been on the headlines since the Terra-Luna collapse. As soon as the winter market started, Gemini laid off 10% of its особље in June 2022, which marked the exchange’s first layoff decision. In July 2022, Gemini отишао for the second round of layoffs and let 15% of its staff go. In both decisions, the exchange pointed at the market turmoil and repeated that it had to manage costs. At the time, however, већина crypto companies were laying off staff, so Gemini didn’t really stick out.

Гемини Еарн

The real chain of events that hurt the community’s trust in Gemini started on Nov. 16, 2022, when Gemini’s Earn program заустављено withdrawals due to market turmoil. Addressing the users, the exchange said it would try to meet customers’ withdrawal requests as soon as possible.

Gemini Earn is a program that allows individual investors to lend their crypto assets to institutional borrowers in exchange for a certain amount of interest. To facilitate these services, Gemini partnered with third-party crypto lenders, including Генеза, Који суспендован withdrawals for its own customers on Nov. 16, the same day as Gemini Earn. Genesis said it is experiencing abnormal amounts of withdrawal requests which exceed the company’s liquidity. It also added that its parent company, Дигитал Цурренци Гроуп (DCG), is also doing everything in its power to smooth out the situation.

The discussions between DCG, Genesis, and Gemini, including DCG’s CEO Барри Силберт and Gemini CEOs Камерон тилер Winklevoss, have been continuing since then, and the tension has been climbing daily. On Dec. 5, Gemini формирана an ad-hoc committee to come up with a solution to the liquidity crisis.

On  Jan. 2, Cameron Winklevoss wrote (написано) an open letter addressed to Silbert and claimed that Gemini Earn’s liquidity crisis is caused by Genesis, and Genesis is having problems because Sibert owes his subsidiary $1.675 billion. Cameron Winklevoss gave Silbert time until Jan. 8 to make up for his debt and therefore resolve Gemini’s liquidity crisis. Silbert responded to the open letter soon after it was published, saying that neither he nor DCG has any debt to Genesis.

Gemini Earn users поднесен a class arbitration suit against Genesis and DCG on Jan. 3, claiming that Genesis breached its agreement with Gemini Earn users. On Jan. 4, Genesis CEO released a изјава saying that the firm is focused on solving the problem, but it needs more time.

The problem remained unsolved, and Gemini најавила that it is officially discontinuing its Earn program on Jan. 11, 2023. The exchange added that returning its users’ funds is currently the highest priority while also reminding that Genesis was responsible for repaying all assets to users.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/research-gemini-gusd-start-losing-followers-as-metrics-hit-all-time-lows/