Цена токена на графикону данас расте за 38%; Да ли је прекасно за улагање?

GRT coin

Објављено пре 14 сати

Graph token is definitely one of the star performers for the second month of 2023. The token price witnessed a significant inflow since February 1st and showed strong bullish momentum throughout the week. By press time, the GRT price trades at the $0.17 mark and doubled its market value in just one week. However, the technical indicator project an overbought signal indicating the new traders should be cautious.

Кључне тачке: 

  • The rounding bottom pattern formation is a sign that investors slowly accumulate an undervalued coin, driving up demand and ultimately pushing prices higher.
  • A bullish breakout from $0.15 resistance sets Graph token for a 38% upswing
  • The intraday trading volume in the Graph is $435 Million, indicating a 44% gain

Graph Token PriceИзвор- Традингвиев

The last six months of price action showcased the formation of a rounding bottom pattern in the daily time frame chart. This bullish reversal pattern is characterized by a gradual decrease in price followed by a steady increase, creating the shape of a “U” or a rounded bottom. 

Anyhow, the significant expansion could be attributed to the connection between the Graph protocol and tokens related to artificial intelligence (AI), as the market is currently excited about AI following the release of ЦхатГПТ by OpenAI.

Према томе, БРТ цена shows a 35% intraday jump and breached the $0.15 neckline resistance of a rounding bottom pattern. The massive bullish candle backed by higher volume indicates the buyer’s confidence to acquire higher levels.

Thus, with this breakout, the token buyers can have a significant footing to lead future bullish rallies. In a favorable bullish scenario, the post-breakout scenario may push the price 38% higher to hit the $0.24 mark.

Такође читајте: 10 најбољих ДеФи платформи за кредитирање у 2023

Having said that, such a rapid recovery may not be sustainable and therefore, a correction phase is needed before the bullish trend resumes. 

Технички индикатор.

РСИ:  Дневни РСИ нагиб at 87% projects an oversold sign suggesting the Graph price may consolidate above the $0.15 mark to refuel the bullish momentum. Moreover, the token price near $0.15 could be a good opportunity for interested traders.

ЕМАс: An upswing in 20-50-and-100-day EMA are some early signs of a sustained bullish trend

Графички нивои цене токена унутар дана

  • Спот стопа: 0.178 $
  • Тренд: Буллисх
  • Испарљивост: ниска
  • Нивои отпора - $0.21 и $0.24
  • Нивои подршке - $0.175 и $0.15

Од последњих 5 година радим у новинарству. Пратим блокчејн и криптовалуте у последње 3 године. Писао сам о разним темама, укључујући моду, лепоту, забаву и финансије. раецх ми на бриан (ат) цоингапе.цом

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Затвори причу

Source: https://coingape.com/markets/graph-token-price-soars-38-today-is-it-too-late-to-invest/