Хедара цена наговештава преокрет унутар обрасца канала

With the prolonged uptrend continuation in a rising channel, the HBAR prices skyrocket above the $0.080 mark. Furthermore, the reversal rally jumps 48% in the last five weeks resulting in the break out of the 50-day EMA. But will the uptrend break above the resistance trendline or a bear cycle leading to a retracement to the support in line is inevitable?

Кључне тачке: 

  • The bullish crossover of the 20-and-50-day EMA will fuel the uptrend above the channel.
  • The HBAR prices are sustaining above the 50-day EMA
  • Унутардневни обим трговања хедера новчићем је 42.4 милиона долара, што указује на повећање од 14.7%.

HBAR ChartИзвор- Традингвиев

With a bullish reversal from $0.059, the HBAR prices avoided a drop to the psychological mark of $0.050. The buyers overtook the trend control with a double bottom breakout with the neckline at $0.070. 

However, the price action later shapeshifted into a rising channel pattern in the daily chart resulting in a bull run above the 20-and-50-day EMA. The recent bullish reversal from the pattern’s support trendline registers a 14% jump. Furthermore. the HBAR price currently trading at  of $0.0824 level

As prices approaches the resistance trendline, the higher price rejection becomes evident in the daily candles by long wick formations. Hence the  possibility of a bear cycle continuing within the rising channel increases significantly.

Therefore in case, the market price retraces to the support trend line, traders can expect a 7.5% fall in the HBAR price.

However, in case the buying pressure breaks the resistance trendline, the unleashed bullish momentum will fuel the uptrend to reach the psychological mark of $0.10.

Тецхницал Индицатор

Индикатор вртлога: The Increasing bully spread between the VI lines increases the possibility of a prolonged uptrend within a rising channel pattern. Hence despite the increasing possibility of a bear cycle, traders can expect the market price to reverse from the support trend line.

ЕМАс: Moreover, as the market prices since about the 50-day exponential moving average, the possibility of a bullish crossover between the 20 and 50-day EMA increases.

  • Ниво отпора - $33.4 $43.5
    Нивои подршке - $24.1 и $21.61

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Source: https://coingape.com/markets/hbar-price-analysis-hedara-price-hints-reversal-within-channel-pattern/