Цена Хедере скочила након што се Делл придружио савету

ХБАР крипто вести: The Hedera Governing Council consists of up to 39 highly diversified organizations governing the Мрежа Хедера, which runs on its proprietary hashgraph technology. Hedera welcomed its newest member on February 7, with the multinational technology company Dell becoming the 28th member to join the council. The governing body already includes a number of high-profile companies like Boeing, IBM, Google, LG, Ubisoft and others.

Делл се придружује Хедерином управном вијећу

Dell, as an active member of the Хедера Цоунцил and network, will gain first-hand experience with the opportunities provided by running its own Hedera node and developing applications on the network. According to the official announcement, Dell will work closely with the Hedera team to build ДАппс for highly decentralized mission-critical environments such as edge computing, and will openly share its results for the collective learning of the industry.

John Roese, the Global Chief Technology Officer at Dell was quoted as saying:

By gaining hands-on experience with distributed ledger technology, we’re able to serve as a rational, holistic voice for customers considering incorporating DLT into their digital transformation.

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The incorporation of Dell into the Council is also in line with the company’s other initiatives that are centered on the decentralization of data. These initiatives include Project Alvarium, which is a Data Confidence Fabric that is able to measure data trust and was developed to ensure distributed systems produce data with a higher level of confidence.

Hedera’s (HBAR) Core Objective

The primary objective of Hedera is to establish a publicly distributed network that is both secure and reliable enough to entice major corporations to build on it. And the fact that Hedera is semi-permissionless, council members run consensus nodes in order to eliminate the need for network виљушке, which have occurred in the past with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. The governing council is also responsible for making decisions regarding strategic initiatives.

The history of Dell’s involvement with блоцкцхаин цриптоцурренци dates back almost a decade. In 2014, it began working with Coinbase to enable customers to make purchases using bitcoin as a payment option. However, being a member of the Hedera council would appear to be its first public move linked to blockchain technology in quite some time.

Reacting to this recent HBAR crypto news, the цена Хедера (ХБАР) померен на 0.079 долара у време састављања. И, према крипто тржиште трацкер који је објавио ЦоинГапе, ово резултира растом од 13% у последња 24 сата, за разлику од скока од 17% у последњих седам дана.

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Пратик је крипто еванђелиста од 2016. и прошао је кроз скоро све што крипто може да понуди. Било да се ради о ИЦО буму, медвеђим тржиштима 2018, преполовљењу биткоина до сада – све је видео.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/hedera-hbar-crypto-news-announces-major/